Page 37 of Clan and Command
“That’s nice,” Kila said, his merciless smirk gentling into approval. “I like that, Lokmi. Stay relaxed and easy for me.”
If he hadn’t sounded and looked so sincere in his appreciation, Lokmi would have been consumed with the Dramok drive that insisted it should be in charge of the situation. That part of him had awakened again, trying to make itself known by renewing the fight no matter how unwinnable the situation might be.
Yet the Imdiko sensibilities, for all their gentle nature, were just as determined to have their way. They were every bit as demanding. Aroused by Kila’s emotions and strengthened by the taste of Kila’s gratitude…not to mention the incredible way he fired Lokmi’s passion…those caring instincts eclipsed the ones that insisted Lokmi dominate. The Imdiko portion that was pushed aside far too often found pleasure in what his Dramok side could not.
Kila not only drove his finger in and out of Lokmi’s backside, stretching him a little bit at a time, but it probed for the sensitive spot of his prostate. He found it, and the Imdiko was newly jolted as molten excitement awoke. The exquisite delight lit him to the tips of his fingers and toes, and he moaned in uninhibited bliss.
It occurred to him to ask,why?After all, Kila was supposed to be dealing out discipline for Lokmi fucking around with the engines without checking in first. True punishment would have meant that once the captain overcame him, he’d simply bend him over his sleeping mat, yank his pants down, and shove his cock in his ass. Kila would know the torment to Lokmi’s pride would have far outweighed the pain of a punishment fucking.
Lokmi didn’t get to voice his confusion. Kila rubbed the magic spot in his ass again, and the burning elation made him dismiss his concerns. In the end, it was enough that the Nobek seemed to count his pleasure as important.
A second finger wriggled inside. The fullness felt good, reminding Lokmi it had been a long time since he’d been taken by another man. As Kila’s mouth closed on his again, devouring him in another enthralling kiss, Lokmi had to admit he’d missed the joy of simple touch. Now that he had no choice but to bend to his commanding officer’s will, both because of duty and physical constraints, he could revel in the contact with another person. It was a revelation to realize how much he’d missed it.
Kila released the kiss to absorb him yet again in that penetrating stare. “Ah, you delicious creature,” he sighed. “Why couldn’t you be stupid or at least morally foul in some way? I can tolerate an irritating bastard, but not those things. You could at least have the good conduct to act so I wouldn’t find you this damned appealing. So I wouldn’t think ridiculous things.”
The man was talking nonsense again, and Lokmi had no interest in deciphering whatever riddles he spouted. Kila had manhandled him expertly until only one thing mattered. Even if he couldn’t force his will, he could at least be demanding and salve his Dramok’s hurt pride that way. “Fuck me. I want you to. Shove that big, thick cock in me, and let me come with you.”
“You assume a lot, thinking I planned to let you climax,” Kila snorted. However, his cocks surged, shoving against Lokmi’s thighs.
Seizing on the positive reaction, Lokmi insisted, “Fuck me hard. Pound my ass. You feel how tight I am. You know how good it will feel around your dick, squeezing you—”
He’d pushed the right buttons, because Kila moved him in a flash. All at once, Lokmi was face down on the sleeping mat, bent at the waist, his knees on the floor. The captain’s thighs shoved his apart. With a sound that was half-sigh, half-groan, Kila sank one of his cocks into the Imdiko’s flesh.
Lokmi winced as the thick appendage spread his ass to accommodate its girth. His fists clenched, and his feet fought the cuffs, trying to drum against the floor. Pain, coupled with a heady flush of rapture, swept through him. The combination was amazing, making his cocks jerk in reaction. Liquid fire pulsed from his smaller secondary to pool at the base of his primary shaft. The weight in his gut doubled, then tripled. He gasped, writhing as best the cuffs and the Kila’s impalement would allow.
The Nobek fell over him, pinning him still. His hips moved against Lokmi’s ass, grinding against him, fucking him in a slow but steady motion. The pain of taking the man’s generous girth began to subside as his body adjusted, replaced by hair-raising friction against his interior hotspot. The roiling excitement at the root of his front cock glided forward an inch. Lokmi shuddered, feeling eruption closing in.
Kila spoke breathlessly in his ear. “You were right. You are wonderfully tight. So hot. So good, especially after a fight. Ah, you wonderful bastard, I could fight and fuck you all day.”
The gratified tone in his rough voice made something inside Lokmi warm. Had he been able to look into the captain’s forceful gaze, into his rugged, appealing face, he was sure Kila’s earlier angst would be gone. The Imdiko in him felt elation.
Kila seizing his cocks drove clear thought away. His grip pumped to match the strokes of their joining. Lokmi shouted, his lower body flexing in reaction.
“Lokmi.” His name sounded like a benediction the way Kila spoke it. “Lokmi. Do you know how you feel to me? Squeezing my cock with your ass, making me crazy to fill you with my cum. Ancestors! You’re going to pull every drop from me.”
His pace increased, the friction in his ass and around his pricks growing fiery. Lokmi panted, his breaths ending in whimpers. He didn’t care about the pitiful sounds he made. The bright, boiling ecstasy in his primary slid another inch towards its tip. He was going to come.
The voice in his ear urged him closer to the precipice. “That’s it, Lokmi. Let it happen. Give yourself over while I take you. Come for me.” Gasps punctuated his demand, breaking the words up into isolated islands. “Come…for…me…you…beautiful…bastard.”
Kila pounded against him, his groin thudded against Lokmi’s ass. Wet, slippery sounds hissed beneath the claps of contact, slick skin sliding over and over, faster and faster. Lokmi’s gut felt heavy as lead, his cocks overfull, the pressure demanding release.
All at once, something gave way. The slowly rising stream of heat in his larger penis turned into a roiling torrent, shoving through. He shrieked into the mat as it burst free, jetting in violent, electric bursts.
“Yes, Lokmi! Yes!” Kila’s bellow made his ears ring, but he was too consumed by the brutal pleasure pulsing from him to care.
Lokmi felt it when Kila let go, his cock jolting within his ass as it filled him with the Nobek’s passion. As his own loins continued to spasm, he felt as if he spent not just his seed, but Kila’s as well. It was an astounding impression, one he’d never experienced before.
The excitement eased by degrees, shattering enthrallment gentling into bliss a little at a time. Lokmi’s sense of reality drifted in and out. He was aware of Kila draped over his body, a warm, living blanket that sank him deeper into the soft bed mat. Their gasps mingled.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he emerged from post-coital fog. It could have been mere minutes or an hour. He became aware of a contentment that shouldn’t have been there, not with Kila on top of him with his dick still shoved up his ass. His Dramok disposition snarled.
Lokmi shifted, working to twist enough to look at Kila. Roused by the movement, the Nobek lifted off him, his penis slipping free. Lokmi tried not to notice the emptiness he felt at his captain’s retreat.
Kila flopped down next to him, lying on his back and gazing at Lokmi. Whatever he saw on the Imdiko’s face made him groan. “Oh, not you too.”
Lokmi had been ready to demand the cuffs still pinning him to be taken off, but the return of Kila’s tormented look – this time not hidden by a reserved expression – brought his caregiver instincts roaring back. In a gentle tone, he asked “What?”
“For a moment you looked at me like wanted to shove me off a balcony – or, since we’re on the ship, out of an airlock.”