Page 50 of Clan and Command
The Imdiko knelt next to Piras. He ran his hand over the Dramok’s chest, enjoying the smooth feel of the man’s warm skin.
Piras attempted to move away, the consternation on his face increasing. Kila’s tight hold on his hair kept him in place. The Nobek growled, “You will stay still. My friend has no problem whipping that lovely ass of yours before he shoves his cock in it.”
The idea delighted Lokmi to no end. He grinned to see Piras’s cocks jerk in reaction. Anxiety couldn’t mask the Dramok’s excitement at Kila’s words.
Wondering if he would recognize his voice, Lokmi hissed in his ear, “That’s right, Piras. We can do this easy, or we can do it hard. Either way is fine with me.”
The admiral moaned, “I don’t want a stranger. I don’t want this Nobek asshole either.”
“Then why are you hard and wet?” Lokmi chuckled when Piras cringed, his face reddening to be called out. “Lying will get you into trouble, my fine Dramok toy. Let’s try for a little honesty instead. What you really don’t want is to desire Kila. But you do.”
“He’s a bastard.”
Kila rolled his eyes, and Lokmi fought off a laugh. “I agree. However, despite that and all that’s happened to you in the past, you do want him. You want the second chance you didn’t know you could have. You just have to admit that it’s time to let go of the first Nobek.”
Piras’s anger returned. “You shit, Kila! You told him?”
Kila relaxed his grip on his hair and began stroking it again. “Only the general situation. No names. No specifics. I swear it.”
Lokmi traced the fascinating indentations and lines of Piras’s torso lower, lightly touching his abdomen. He didn’t miss the sudden intake of breath. Good. If Piras could be distracted, he might divulge more. He might give up the information Kila sought. “Why are you hanging on to what was? You have a Nobek right here, one who appreciates you for who you are. A man who will let you be yourself. Don’t you know what a gift that is?”
“I don’t – I don’t know. I don’t think he can be in this for the long term. How can you respect a Dramok who’s not one in the sleeping room?”
Kila’s heart was in his voice as he tried to reassure Piras. “Because he’s a Dramok outside the sleeping room – and the man I prefer in my bed.”
A stab of sympathy went right to Lokmi’s gut. He watched the two men struggling to find a way towards each other. Kila had already stated how determined he was for Piras to clan him. Whether or not the Dramok was looking for a permanent relationship, Piras still showed every indication he wanted more than what they had now. Yet his fears, based on how things had gone for him before, held him back.
Lokmi knew all about society’s expectations. He knew about its insistence that a man categorized as a certain breed should act like that breed. Others didn’t understand those who were different. They didn’t try to understand. Instead, they tried to make everyone else fit their ideas with no thought to the damage they caused. Anger for the slights Lokmi had endured spread to include Piras’s situation.
In a rough tone he said, “Enough talking. You need to know the safety of being with men who accept you. Because you’re different doesn’t make you imperfect. It’s time you learned that.”
Lokmi leaned in and licked the erect button of Piras’s nipple. Gratified by the resulting groan, he nipped it and was rewarded with another groan. He checked the Dramok’s expression and was delighted to see bliss.
His to play with. His to enjoy, with no fight required. Lokmi’s body fired with excited lust. He readied to revel in all that Piras had to offer.
* * * *
The exhilarating touches offered by the mystery man Kila had brought in disappeared. They were replaced by more exacting prodding from both his masters. He was grabbed and grasped by rude, roughened hands; licked and bitten by raspy tongues and hard teeth. They gave him little hurts that fed the eagerness making him hard and ready for their control.
He was enthralled to be handled by the two men. He fantasized that Kila’s ‘friend’ might be that handsome engineer Lokmi, the half-Imdiko, half-Dramok. A man with control issues, Kila had told him. The voice, though husky with anticipation, could have been that of the man he’d talked to in Kila’s ready room. While not as harsh as the Nobek, his touch was every bit as insistent and punishing.
The grips on Piras’s cocks were far from gentle. He was stroked unmercifully and warned of dire consequences should he climax without their leave. Cruel pinches sent spears of pain into his nipples, which arrowed excruciating pleasure to his livid shafts. A steel grasp circled the back of his neck and forced him down, setting his cheek against the fur rug. His ass remained in the air. Something slick and hard pressed against his anus and burrowed its way into his passage. It was thick, but he was allowed no mercy, forced to take whatever toy Kila had chosen from his bag of tricks. Piras gasped and writhed as he was made to submit to the invasion until it was firmly lodged inside. It quivered to life, pulsating hard against his hotspot. He wailed as a jolt of hot need flashed the length of his cocks.
The fists holding his pricks tightened painfully. “Don’t you dare come, boy,” Kila snarled. “I will strip the hide off you if you do.”
“It might be a reward for him,” the other man said. “He responds to pain. Allow me to demonstrate?”
Kila chuckled. “With that? Please do.”
There was a slight whistling sound, followed by a small, unimportantsnap. A narrow strip of misery blazed a strip across Piras’s ass. He jerked and yelled, his first instinct to spring away. The hands working his lengths kept him from doing so. Then the violent burn sank deep into his flesh, joining the boiling riot in his groin and cocks.
The high, light whistling kept going, singing a tune that was obscenely merry as it dug fiery streaks into his buttocks. Meanwhile, the masturbating and vibrating dildo continued to tantalize, driving him higher with every second. His cries were constant as his loins clenched. Orgasm licked the insides of his cocks, making him heavy and full. Ecstasy fought to burst free, demanding that it be allowed to pour from his primary. Yet Kila had told him not to come. Piras was anxious to obey him, though the desperation to succumb to shattering orgasm was almost as imperative.
“Please,” he sobbed as rapture stole another inch closer to expulsion. “Please. I can’t take it!”
“Maybe you’d like us to fuck you now? Shove a big cock up your ass? Another one down your throat?”
The switch or whatever was being used continued to snap his upturned buttocks. Now it was not so much pain as intense sensation walloping his wits. It drove him closer to eruption. The buzzing dildo buried in his ass enflamed his desperation to release. Piras could feel cum sliding up his main cock. He couldn’t hold out for more than a few seconds.