Page 53 of Clan and Command
Kila brushed mussed strands of hair from the Dramok’s face. “You’re right. If you’re going to call for someone’s head, it should be mine. I talked him into joining the fun.”
Piras knew he’d be a stronger presence if he’d straighten, but Kila felt too good. He settled for scowling, though he snuggled in closer. “Why did you invite him?”
Kila’s smile was still mocking, but there was a note of fatigue there too. “I needed someone who can do the feely, emotional shit your two breeds insist on. Someone who was both seemed like a good pick.”
Lokmi had returned with water in time to hear the Nobek’s answer. He snorted as he handed out the bottles and told Kila, “Feely, emotional shit, huh? Well, you’re welcome for me being what you can’t handle. Emotions aren’t for pussies.”
Kila snorted and grinned for real at the Imdiko. Lokmi rolled his eyes and winked at Piras. Piras couldn’t help but laugh at the pair. The situation was too ridiculous. Hell, he and Kila were downright ludicrous. Maybe they deserved each other.
And Lokmi? He had to be ridiculous too, because he seemed perfect to the Dramok.
Chapter 16
Lokmi felt the fuzzy beginnings of waking. Delicious warmth made his limbs heavy. He was aware of the strange but agreeable sensation of being curled around the heat of another man.
Piras, he thought an instant before the Dramok’s demanding growl entered his ear.
“You’re not on vacation, you know. Wake up and get moving.”
“I’m not on duty until later this afternoon. Give me a good reason to get up.”
“Me kicking your ass. How’s that for a reason?”
Lokmi opened his eyes and found himself face to face with the grouchy-looking admiral. Last night’s submissive was back in Dramok mode again. He wondered if he was about to be court-martialed for taking advantage of the situation Kila had concocted. Well, some things were worth trouble. Having Piras surrender the way he had had been worth a great deal of woe. His cocks gave a throb of agreement.
Lokmi smiled at him, not caring about rank or duty in the afterglow of amazing sex and a good night’s sleep. “Good morning to you too, Admiral. Don’t worry; I’m already saluting you beneath the sheets.”
Piras’s eyes narrowed. Just as Lokmi thought he was going to start swinging, he burst out laughing instead.
On the other side of the Dramok, Kila sat up. He shook his head at the two of them. “What a pair you two are. I must be out of my fucking mind to put myself in this situation.”
“Be careful what you ask for, as the Earthers say,” Piras agreed. He crawled out from between them, slinking his way on hands and knees to the end of the mat. He stood and looked them over. The sun coming through window-vids lit his long, nude body, accentuating the graceful lines.
Lokmi’s cocks gave another appreciative pulse. It was impossible not to admire that gorgeous creature or the commanding light in Piras’s almond-shaped eyes. He was no fan of bedding Dramoks but even in command mode, Piras fascinated him. As for the giving lover…well, that side of Piras was definitely to Lokmi’s tastes.
The admiral glowered at him. “Stop eyeing me like a meal, Chief Engineer. You’ve had your taste, and now it’s time to get back to business.”
“I’m only to get one serving?” Lokmi kept his tone light, but the idea he might not get another round with Piras was unwelcome news.
There was the briefest moment of wavering; Piras licked his lips, and his face softened. Then he stood up straight and stalked to the wall. He jabbed at it until a drawer slid open. He drew out a dressing skirt and clasped it around his hips. “Lokmi, you’re a senior member of the destroyer’s command crew. We’ve already brought you in the loop. I want to keep you there, apprised of the entirety of our mission, if Captain Kila agrees.”
Kila remained in bed, sitting up against the wall it butted up to. The sheets had slid down low enough that a portion of his primary cock was visible. His hair was mussed. Yet he somehow exuded official authority even in a state of tousled nudity. Lokmi couldn’t help but regard him with some awe.
The Nobek’s gaze was locked on Piras. He snapped a quick nod. “I believe Chief should be privy to everything to do with the assignment. His knowledge will be an asset when it comes to keeping the ship ready for whatever might be thrown at us.”
“Good.” Piras paced back and forth, his arched brows drawing close together over his straight and elegant nose. Lokmi was more enthralled with watching his leg muscles work, and silently thanked the dressing skirt for being so short. He appreciated Piras’s apparent need to walk ruts into the floor when he thought hard. The man was poetry in motion.
As Piras brought Lokmi up to date on his plan to hand over Laro Station to the Basma, the Imdiko’s delight in watching him came to a halt. When Piras finished speaking, he repeated in a daze, “Laro?”
“Problem, Chief?” Kila said, his tone challenging. “It’s a good target, one I’m sure the Basma will appreciate.”
“Yes, he would. The admiral’s reasons are sound.” Lokmi swallowed. “I was thinking of all the layovers I spent on Laro. I made a lot of friends there.”
Piras dropped his ‘lord and commander’ demeanor to grimace. “I have an attachment to it as well. I met the Nobek I once intended to clan there.”
“I knew it,” Kila said under his breath.
Piras gave him a tormented look. Lokmi thought perhaps the choice of Laro was causing the man emotional trauma. His Imdiko side rose to offer an out. “Maybe it’s not the best target then. Not if it’s going to cost you heavily.”