Page 83 of Clan and Command
Another five seconds clicked by. Veko finally spoke. “Message incoming. Message received. We are cleared to approach, Captain.”
A chorus of breaths released. Shoulders sank a little as the crew relaxed.
Piras and Kila did not. The Nobek glanced at his clanmate, no sign of his usual sneer in evidence. “Here we go.”
Piras nodded. From the middle of the bridge, he turned slowly, speaking in a clear voice so all could hear him. “All right, men. We are here to make a difference. Though our mission is not known to those who we wish to save, though we may die scorned by the men, women and children we fight for, we still fight with uprightness in our hearts. We alone know how we conduct ourselves: with the nobility and pride that will preserve Kalquor’s future. We will win through with our dedication or go down trying our damnedest. Let’s make this count, everyone. For honor and Empire.”
As one, the bridge crew faced him, their faces set, shoulders squared, chests out. “For honor and Empire,” they chorused.
Lokmi gave Piras a private smile as everyone else turned back to their duties. Kila nodded at him, his expression one of respect.
“Take us in, Uls,” the captain ordered.
The destroyer moved to join the enemy. Looking at the multitudes of ships before, Piras acknowledged the massive task ahead. Diffusing their threat lay squarely on his shoulders. Yet with the support of the two men watching, their expressions filled with confidence in him, Piras thought anything was possible.