Page 42 of Emperor of Lust
The big Russian frowns and shoots Kai a look. “That’s a disgusting habit.”
“I never asked for your opinion on my habits,” Kai mutters back. “And you owe me a pack.”
“You’re lucky the cigarettes are the only thing I threw out the window after you tried to light up next to me,” Isaak rumbles.
Kai rolls his eyes and glances at me.
“Play nice,” I murmur in Japanese.
Kai exhales, then pauses as his eyes land on me.
“What?” I ask, frowning as I look down at myself, suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious in this damn gown, which iswaymore daring than anything I usually wear. “Too much?”
Kai lifts a brow. “I think it’s stunning on you, actually.”
I grin, then jolt when a firm, powerful hand wraps around my hip and yanks me away from Kai. I almost fall into Damian’s broad chest as my gaze rips up to his.
“Yes,Mr. Caveman?” I snap, frowning.
His eyes narrow. “Try to remember who you’re engaged to here.”
I smile icily. “The correct answer, actually, isno one.”
He lifts one brow, his lips curling dangerously. “Careful, Kitsune,” he growls under his breath.
“Of what? You?” I scoff. “Believe me, Damian, youneverneed to worry if women are being careful around you. Trust me: they all are.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere.”
“Wasn’t a compliment.”
We all start to head inside—Kai, Issak—who’s still glaring—and an assortment of Mori-kai and Nikolayev men. I start to follow but gasp when Damian’s hand closes tight around my wrist, pulling me back against him.
“Youneedto stop doing that,” I hiss.
Damian suddenly dips his mouth to my neck. He inhales sharply, as ifsmelling me. Then his lips part, trailing over my skin in a way that sends electric shivers rippling through my core. His teeth nip at my neck, and when I gasp, his hand slides down my bare back to grip my ass boldly.
“Don’t youdare?—”
“The shower games and…later…were fun,” he growls against my neck. “But I think you’ve forgotten, Kitsune, what I hold over you.”
I stiffen as his words slither over me. Damian grins against my neck before he pulls back. His breathtaking, supernaturally violet eyes pierce into me with a darkness that’s as terrifying as it is addictive.
“Still threatening to blackmail me?” I breathe.
Damian’s mouth curls at the edges as his eyes narrow. “Not threatening, Kitsune,” he murmurs. He leans close, cupping my jaw and running his thumb over my bottom lip. “Iamblackmailing you.”
Dark, twisted need claws at my core.
“Let’s make sure we’re on the same page. While we’re here in Tokyo, youwillbe my fiancée, in every definition of the word. Publiclyandprivately.”
“You can’t?—”
“I can,” he murmurs. “So—we’re going to walk in there. You’re going to be on my arm, holding my hand, looking to all the world that you’remineand mine alone. Flirt with your fucking security guard again, and you’ll find another wrapped present on your bed.”
I glare at him. “Seriously? Flirting? WithKai?”
“I’m considering how all those oldOyabunsand eager, corruptible politicians inside might view it. But also—yes.”