Page 5 of Emperor of Lust
Not that. Not…that-that.
Not sex.
I swallow again as I stare up at him, my hands bound behind me and the cold of the concrete seeping into my kneecaps.
Damian is, objectively speaking, good-looking. Okay, that’s putting it mildly. He’s savagely attractive.Dangerouslyso. Like, in a serial killer way—as if his looks have been specifically designed to reel in the unaware and unprepared so he can devour them whole.
But I’m neither unaware nor unprepared. I may not know Damian well, but I’ve been around him andseenthat look in his eyes; that thirst for violence and blood. I’ve seen it in my twin brother’s eyes our whole lives. Maybe that’s why I’m not scared of “dangerous” men: I’ve grown up with them.
My eyes drag down his chiseled, sharp jawline and the smug, dark smile on his face. His supernaturally purplish eyes and silver hair, thanks to a rare genetic condition. His height, broad shoulders, muscled arms and tattoo ink.
But no matter how striking he is…no. Not just because I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the horrifying concept of screwing someone to avoid being killed by them. But because…
I gulp.
Because the last few times I’ve even attempted to have sex after what happenedthatnight, I went into full-blown panic attacks.
A shudder rips through me as I stare up at him.
“No?” His voice is heavy with pure amusement. “Such a pity, Kitsune,” he sighs, touching the tip of the knife to my chin, lifting my gaze to his with it. “I thought we’d be able to put our differences aside and have some fun…”
“Wait!” I whimper.
“Afraid not.”
“My mouth!”
The words escape my throat in a rush.
Damian stills as I feel my face throb with heat.
“You…you can use my mouth,” I mumble.
His brow arches.
“No…you know…”
“Fuckingyou?” he finishes for me.
My face turns even hotter as I nod stiffly. “Yeah. I mean, no. No…sex.”
“But you’re fine with me fucking your mouth,” he purrs.
I glare up at him.
“I didn’t say I wasfinewith it. I said youcould.”
“Semantics,” he scoffs, cocking his head. His eyes slide over me. “Whoisbehind that mask, I wonder…”
My pulse jangles as he reaches for the edge of my mask again. Just before he touches my cheek, I jerk my face away.
“That’s not part of the deal.”
Damian chuckles darkly. “I’m holding a knife. Meanwhile you’re tied up with your tits out. I’m not sure you understand who’s in a position of power here, but, spoiler, it’s not you.”
I purse my lips. “The mask stays on. That’s the deal.”
He smiles darkly. “How kinky. And my cock goes between those pretty lips.”