Page 53 of Emperor of Havoc
“Then you’re sorely mistaken.”
My pulse explodes in my veins. I can’t move. I can barely turn my head to see him, but Ifeelhim. His presence fills the room, closing in on me like a storm about to break.
My heart pounds as he steps closer. The mattress dips under his weight, and I feel the heat of his body before his chiseled, savagely gorgeous face appears over me. His fingers brush my cheek, his touch deceptively gentle.
“The things I could do to you right now…” he murmurs, his voice a velvet threat. “You can’t move. Can’t fight.” His lips curl viciously. “You’re completely at my mercy.”
A rush of fear and something darker floods my veins, tangled together, leaving me breathless. This is my nightmare.
It’s also my fantasy.
And he knows it.
His fingers trail down my neck, teasing the delicate skin before continuing lower. I’m hyper-aware of every place his touch lingers… Every place it doesn’t. The anticipation is maddening.
I whimper when his hand cups my breast through the pajama top. He squeezes, finding the pebbled nub of my nipple through the cotton, pinching it. A muffled moan lodges in my throat, and my eyes snap viciously to his.
Takeshi smiles.
“Oh, Ilikethis,” he chuckles quietly. “My own compliant, docile littletoyto play with.”
He twists my nipple again, making something raw and needy throb between my legs.
Without warning, Takeshi pops open the top button of my pajama shirt. My eyes widen even more as they snap back to his.
Is he fucking serious?!
“The way I see it, princess,” he murmurs, “since we’re married now, what’s yours, as they say, ismine.” His eyes glint as he pops another button, then slides his gaze to mine. “Oh, and yes, I asked. That little stunt might have knocked us both out. But technically speaking, wedidcomplete the ceremony. Which means…”
We’re married.
For real.
Takeshi pops open a third button. Then a fourth. He keeps going, the pajama top slowly opening until he gets to the last button, and it falls wide completely. The moonlight glistens pale and white on my bare torso, my skin prickling to goosebumps and my nipples tightening to points under his gaze.
My pulse races, my breath coming short and fast as my stomach muscles clench and unclench.
Something wicked and dark spreads over me as Takeshi puts his hand on my bare breast, squeezing, pinching my nipple hard.
“You’re lucky I’m in an amiable mood,” he murmurs, his gaze hovering on my breasts before moving to my eyes. “I won’t fuck you tonight. Not like this.”
Relief floods me, but it’s short-lived.
“No, when I fuck you,” he continues, “I want you tofight me. I want your blood pumping, your muscles twitching. I want yourskin slick with sweat, your body trembling with effort. And when I catch you, and you finally surrender…” His lips curve into a smile. “That’swhen I’ll tear into that pretty, pink pussy and fuck you for the first time.”
The most fucked-up thing isn’t what he’s saying.
It’s that it’sturning me on.
A huge part of me wants this.
Craves it.
Gravitates to it, like a moth to a dark fucking flame.
“But that doesn’t mean we’ll be having acompletelychaste wedding night…”