Page 58 of My Cruel Duke
Penny despised lying to her family, but she could not tell them what she was up to or what she had found. Not until she was absolutely sure.
“Can I come with you? I have not seen her in months,” Lydia sighed.
“You cannot, dearest. Do you forget the Marquess of Angleton will pay a call to you today?”
Lydia tried to hide her excitement by pressing her lips into a flat smile.
The Marquess on Angleton had been vocal about his interest in Lydia and had even mentioned a proposal to Rhysand a week ago. It filled Penny with so much fulfillment that soon, her sister would be married to an absolute sweetheart who was utterly smitten by her and would kiss the ground she walked on. Soon, her sister would be married in the same way she had, without her brother and father present.
What is wrong with me?
Unwanted tears pooled in Penny’s eyes, and she blinked them back. Her feelings, along with her mood, had been all over the place, and she wished she could find the final piece of her puzzle so she could return to her usual, cheerful self.
“I shall be back before Rhysand returns.” She stood up and smoothed out her green dress. The ladies nodded and waved her goodbye.
On the way to her family house, Penny had tried to keep calm and not think about a thing, but she could not help it. She had to check again if, indeed, she had seen the ring on her father’s finger, and it was not a fraction of her imagination.
Her relationship with her father had not been the best, but she doubted he would lie to her. She was, after all, his daughter. She contemplated going to see him after she had checked the house. She needed answers, and there was no one else capable of giving her the answers that she needed if not her father.
Yes! I must see Father today.She thought. It would also be an excellent opportunity to let him know she had gotten married and that Lydia would soon be married to a respectable gentleman.
When Penny arrived at her family house, she thought it weird that Randolph was not present at the door to welcome her in. The entire place had been a little quieter when she stepped in.
“Hello? Is anyone in here?” Penny stood in the drawing room and called out.
“Penny?” A deep, masculine, but very familiar voice responded. Penny knew that voice like the back of her hand.
But it was not possible. She had only been here a few days ago; how could he have returned in such a short time?
Or perhaps she was hearing voices in her head. It would seem that her sickness had advanced, and it affected her mind now.
“Penny, is it really you?”
She heard the voice again, and then he stepped out and showed himself.
“Penny! It is really you!” He had the nerve to smile. He had the nerve to return and smile after everything he put them through, after running away to save himself. Her coward of a brother had finally returned.
“This is impossible. You are not really here, are you?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. He looked different.
At some point, Penny had wished that Partick was suffering wherever he went like they had been suffering before Rhysand saved them. She had hoped he looked shabby and ate one meal a day. For a coward could not enjoy the pleasures of life while she and her family hungered. But Patrick looked the exact opposite of someone who had been suffering.
He looked like he ate three square meals with snacks and desserts. He looked like he only slept on a warm bed with a full stomach each night. He looked clean.Too clean.
“It is Patrick, your brother.” He stepped toward her, annoyed that she did not hug him right away. “I had fallen into distress when I arrived and met the house empty. I was scared something happened to you girls,” he paused. “Where is Lydia? Aunt Augusta?”
“How do you dare to ask about their well-being after what you did? Do you not feel an ounce of shame?Youfell into distress? Do you jest, Patrick?”
Patrick stared at his sister. She looked different. He remembered clearly what their family’s situation had been when he left. He knew there was no money left since he had taken everything with him when he fled, but Penny looked well taken care of. Her skin glowed like a newborn baby’s, pampered and well.
“I can explain–”
“No, you cannot, and if you insist, then I do not want to hear it!” Penny was livid. It was her right to be. He should have been the one to look out for them; herself and Lydia, to make sure they married respectable men.
“Believe me sister, I went in search of help…”