Page 80 of My Cruel Duke
Rhysand did not want any rotten apples walking his halls, and he made sure to clear them, even the ones that appeared healthy but deep inside they were rotten.
He knew that to have the family he desired, he would have to start afresh in every aspect of his life, including his relationship with Penelope. Especially his relationship with Penelope.
Penelope went to him, to comfort him, despite everything he put her through. She was there for him when he felt the most alone, and she hugged him and placed his hand on her bulging belly, reminding him that he was not alone. He had a family.
The night had been… eventful–for lack of a better word. It started late in the night, after Rhysand had cried his pain away, and welcomed the new pain that was keeping his feelings away from Penelope.
“I was a fool, Penelope,” Rhysand murmured against her neck, his heart heavy with regret.
She said nothing aside from the little hum of approval for him to keep talking. Which he did.
“I should have never said those words to you when I did not mean them. I was…” he paused and took a breath. “I was scared of my feelings for you. they were far greater than anything I had ever felt before and I was scared it would ruin me. I was scared you would reject me.”
He tightened his grip around her body. He wanted to be closer to her. If it was possible, he wanted to be in her. Inside her. Under her skin. In her heart.
“I should have told you how I truly felt. I should never have pushed you away like I did. I am deeply sorry.”
Penelope’s silence was dangerous. He could not see her face, so he could not tell what she was thinking. He needed an indication, something other than a mere hum of approval but he would not rush her. She could take all the time she needed to process his feelings.
“Since you were little, you always had a bright spirit that drew people in, a beautiful smile that rivaled a garden of blooming flowers, and a foul tongue that could get you in trouble, but you managed to stay graceful…” More silence.
“Whenever you crossed my mind, I told myself I could not have you, I did not deserve you, and I could not give you what you desired the most. When you walked into my study that morning, I became selfish. I did not know what I wanted from you, but I knew I had to have you all to myself…” He paused and placed a soft kiss on the nape of her neck. Penny shivered into the kiss and relaxed.
“The time I spent away from you was pure torture, Sunshine, I could barely go a day without a thought of you throwing me off balance. I fought myself every day. A larger part of me wanted to return and shamelessly beg to be in your arms again, and the smaller part told me you would not take me back. There was no way you would take me back when I disregarded your feelings and took them for granted. I learned a lesson,” he paused again for another kiss break.
“I do not ever wish to be away from you. I want to wake up to your beautiful face in the mornings. I want to work on the patio while you sit in the garden, painting, or reading a book when in reality, you are looking at me. I want to eat all my meals beside you and listen to all your stories about your childhood, the ones you regained from your lost memories. I want to hear your laughter ringing in the halls while you change the colors of the walls to whatever you choose. I want to love you, Sunshine, with every breath I take, with each word that falls from my lips. I want to love you with my entire being, if you will have me.”
By the time Rhysand finished speaking, Penny was lying in the pool of her tears. She could not believe how much Rhysand had changed. When they had gotten married, she could not determine if he wanted her in his space or out of his life, and now he was expressing his feelings for her. His love.
She sighed. She was not sure she could accept his feelings, considering he had yet to address his relationship with Lady Madeline, and what had transpired between them in Scotland.
“I do not know what Lady Madeline said in my absence, but I swear to you this day, that nothing happened between us.” Rhysand started, as though he could hear her thoughts. “I pushed her away when she came to me and warned her off me. That must have ticked her off,” Rhysand added and Penny finally moved.
She turned to face him and stared into his eyes. The corner of her mouth curved upward in a seductive smile.
“It was not until you left that I realized the depth of my feelings for you. I was hurting inside, but I often wondered if you were all right, if you had eaten, if you were lonely.” Her words sent a chill down Rhysand’s spine.
“My brother tagged me a fool for falling for you, and even when I knew I should stop, I could not manage it. I wanted to tell anyone willing to listen about my feelings for you, but I did not want to speak about them with anyone but you. I love you, Rhysand.”
Months ago, Rhysand would have laughed at Penelope’s confession and turned her away. He would tell her no one could love him, but when she uttered those words, he believed her instantly, because he felt the exact way, if not more.
Her confession was like an arrow that went straight into his chest, piercing through his former beliefs until it got to his heart, where he received it with so much gladness in his heart.
She placed her open palm on his chest and a dimpled smile graced her beautiful face. Rhysand felt so much joy he thought he would pass out.
Then he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips.
“I love you, Sunshine. I promise to love you until the day I draw my last breath,” Rhysand declared and went further to cease Penelope’s breath by taking her mouth in a firm kiss.
Oh, how he had missed the cherry taste of her lips. She was so damn addicting. How he went five weeks without kissing her was a miracle he wished would never happen again. He wanted to spend all his days kissing her, loving her, and making love to her, one day and night at a time, starting tonight.
Wedding bells rang throughout the entire walls of Thornbury Hall.
The long-awaited day had finally arrived, and excited voices were all that could be heard in every room and corner of the estate. More so was the magnificent change the estate had undergone for the occasion.
The once-black walls were turned completely into cream walls. Flowers, paintings, and various colored ribbons hung from the walls—not too much that it looked tacky, but just enough to look elegant.