Page 15 of My Beastly Duke
Isolde had been right, the garden filled with roses was both a delight to the eyes as well as the nose. Yet she could not bring herself to enjoy the scenery in light of her worries. Various colors and even kinds of roses bloomed in all directions as far as the eye could see.
“Let Marina tell us her reason for inviting us over before we go and make any assumptions.” Eleanor Harrison, the Duchess of Larsen gently scolded her friend before smiling at Marina.
Cordelia exchanged an amused glance with Marina before reaching for a scone.
“It has been one day since the wedding, Eleanor.One day. There has to be a reason that Marina has asked us over for tea so urgently.” Penelope had always been the wisest of their group.
Eleanor let out an exasperated sigh as her shoulders slumped in defeat.
“I did need your advice on matters of marital… duties,” Marina stated her case as gently as she could, wondering if asking Cordelia over had been the right decision.
Color filled her best friend’s cheeks as Cordelia averted her gaze, allowing her naturally long lashes to shade her beautiful green eyes. At twenty-two, Cordelia had yet to find a husband. While her presence presented Marina with a great deal of comfort, her lack of knowledge on the matter did not help the current situation.
“See, I knew the situation was quite dire when I received the untimely note.” Penelope nodded her head triumphantly and gestured for Marina to go on.
Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Marina cleared her throat before placing her cup back on the table that sat between the four friends. “Well, it is just that I do not quite understand how these things are supposed to work. The duke came to my chambers last night and…”
Penelope cut her short with a knowing smile. “That is very normal dear. Marital duties can be quite fun with the right amount of affection.”
Eleanor almost spat out her tea as Cordelia blushed the deepest shade of red.
“Come now, Eleanor, you are a married woman. You know how fun matters can be when love and attraction are involved.” Penelope continued to tease her friend with a wry smile.
It was Eleanor and Penelope’s turn to exchange a knowing glance.
“What Penelope is trying to say, is that there is no shame in the marital act. You are a married woman now, Marina, all is fair in love and war.” Eleanor smiled fondly at her own words and sat back in her white wicker chair.
“War seems to be more prominent than love, not that I think either will ever exist between us,” Marina grumbled as she thought how the duke had left things between them before his very abrupt departure.
The knowing glances between her two married friends began to annoy Marina as they smiled at each other.
“Believe it or not, that too can be a very good thing.” Penelope winked at Marina before biting her lips and blushing.
Rolling her eyes with a playful shake of her head, Eleanor turned her body toward Marina. “What Penelope is trying to say, is that these things can be normal at the start until you and your husband find ways to co-exist. It was not easy for either of us.”
Penelope shook her head more seriously now. “No, it was not. Neither of us married for love. Much like you, it was a union born out of convenience. Love only came later. As did desire.”
“I hardly think that the duke and I will be falling in love. His lack of emotions last night assured me of that if nothing else.” She held back on telling her friends that his reaction had come before the marriage could be consummated.
She was not certain why, but the thought of sharing such intimated details of her marriage, even with her close friends, did not seem right at all. She may not have finished the interaction with her husband, yet it still seemed far too intimate to share.
“These things come with time, dearest, there is so much to be discovered in your marriage, do not give up hope just yet. Xander fell for me even after all those things my father did,” Eleanor added sweetly.
“Do you want the duke to love you?” Cordelia spoke up, catching the others off-guard as they all turned to her in confusion.
Marina felt her heart racing at the question.
Do I want him to love me?
She shook off the uncomfortable question and reassured herself that her reaction to his assumed rejection was just due to confusion and self-esteem.
Penelope and Eleanor seemed to be watching her quite intently as their eyes portrayed a look she did not understand.
Feeling as if she were obligated to reply, Marina cleared her throat. “I do not think it necessary for the duke to fall in love with me. Our marriage is one of convenience and nothing more. I was in need of a husband to stave off the shame from my family’s name, and he needed a wife to sire an heir. Quitefrankly, the arrangement does not require love. I was simply confused as to why a married man would set off on a business trip the day after his wedding.”
Penelope now placed her empty cup back on the tray and looked Marina in the eyes. “Did he say anything before leaving? Or even after you… finished last night?” She glanced in Cordelia’s direction before choosing her words.
Marina shook her head, averting her gaze to focus on the half-eaten cakes and sandwiches that were still on the plates.