Page 3 of My Beastly Duke
The dark figure that his frame cut in the light was almost too intimidating, yet she could not run now. Not when she had come this far.
“My family’s honor, Your Grace. Imagine my surprise when I was left alone at the altar this morning. Hundreds of people came to witness my wedding, yet they saw me humiliated instead.” She managed to keep the quiver of fear from her voice.
The tall figure seemed to flinch for a second but quickly replied in a cool tone. “That does sound like something my brother would do. Yet I fail to see how any of this is my concern?” The scorn and mockery that were evident in his voice grated on her nerves.
Does he care so little?
“It is your concern, Your Grace. My family has been humiliated byyourbrother.” She could not believe how cavalier the man was acting when the reputation of her family was on the line. The wedding may not have been his idea, but his brother’s actions certainly reflected poorly on his name as well.
“Am I my brother’s keeper? His actions are no concern of mine.” He cocked his head to the side and seemed to stare at her even through the darkness of the shadows.
A strange sensation prickled down her spine as she wondered if his eyes were devouring her body. There was something almost animalistic about the sound of his voice, which had her mind racing with unwanted thoughts.
Is he as attractive as his voice?
The prickle of fear turned to one of pleasure as she imagined all the possibilities attached to the voice.
“Do you not care what your brother does, Your Grace? I certainly would care if my sister or mother were in a similar situation. Is that not what family does?” She felt her pulse racing when she could sense the smirk on his lips. Even with the absence of his physical appearance, Marina could sense that danger oozed from his very being. She felt drawn to him in a way she could not understand. Something about the way he spoke and carried himself in the shadows drew her in like a deer to a snare.
Parts of her being urged her to run while she still had the chance, yet she could not fight the inkling of desire and curiosity that had been sparked in her chest.
“What compensation would you demand? Should I have my brother publicly flogged for his actions? What kind of woman are you, Miss Wallace? Does your humiliation demand equal amounts of scorn on my brother’s behalf?” His tone carried a hint of sarcasm and enjoyment that sent a shiver down her spine once again.
Why am I feeling like this?
Her breathing deepened as her heart began to race from all the questions running through her mind. Who was this man hiding in the shadows? Had she unknowingly walked into the den of a monster? She tried to hide the deep breath that shook her chest as she lifted her chin in the air. “There were costs involved in preparing for this day. My mother spent her very last pence on having this dress made. And now we are to be tossed out on the streets!”
A moment of silence passed between them as the duke seemed to consider her words.
“You may leave us now, Jeeves.” He waved his hand in the air, making Marina jump as she suddenly recalled the butler who had shown her in. How had she forgotten that somebody else was in the room with them?
The man bowed respectfully and left the room, shutting the door behind him with a loud creak that made her jump.
Marina’s palms began to sweat as she curled her fingers into fists at her sides. The room suddenly felt far too small for the two of them.
“Will ten pounds suffice for the cost of the dress? His voice almost startled her when he spoke again.
“That… that should suffice quite nicely, Your Grace.” Confusion filled her mind at the unexpected gesture. His sudden kindness stood in stark contrast to the rest of his behavior.
“If you look to the right, there is a desk in front of the window. You will find the money you need in the top drawer.” The shadowy figure nodded toward the opposite end of the room, watching her every move as she hesitated.
Taking a deep breath, Marina worked up the courage to cross the room and open the drawer, feeling the coolness of the wooden handle beneath her fingertips. She had to adjust her eyes to the dim lighting as she reached into the drawer. Her fingers barely brushed the edges of a pouch when the duke’s voice brought her to a halt.
“You may leave the dress in the corner of the room before you leave.” His voice was low and dangerous.
Her body rose instantly as every nerve at the back of her neck began to prickle. Was he finally showing his true intentions now that they were alone? Surprise shook her body when she realized that she wasn’t entirely afraid of the dark and mysterious duke.
“I beg your pardon?” Marina whipped around, shutting the drawer behind her with a deafening thud as she leaned against the desk. The pit of her stomach knotted with fear and confusion as she waited for his response.
The mockery in his voice grew thicker as he took a step forward but remained in the shadows. “I feel it is only fair that I keep the dress if I am to purchase it. What benefit would I receive from simply paying for a dress that I do now own?”
Her pulse raced as her mouth fell open in shock, leaving her almost speechless as she sought for the words. “How dare you! I would never compromise my honor by undressing in front of a man. Even suggesting such a thing is cruel and… and vile. I see now that you are nothing more than a rake. You should be taking responsibility for your brother’s actions.” She raised her hand and covered her throat, feeling the dryness that crept in and choked her words.
“My brother’s affairs are his own, and I will remind you that it was you who came to me seeking compensation.” His mouth came into view in the sliver of light that filtered through the window, exposing his strong jaw and well-defined lips that curled into a sneer.
Her heart skipped a beat when the pit of her stomach fluttered furiously. “I… I should have known what kind of man you were when you did not even bother to attend your own brother’s wedding.” Her chest began to rise and fall with every breath as her eyes searched for a path of escape.