Page 9 of My Beastly Duke
The gruffness in his tone sent shivers down her spine. “Will we not be dining together, Your Grace?”
He shook his head dismissively. “The staff will be at your beck and call whenever you need them. There will be no need for the two of us to communicate regularly.” He turned back to the window, hiding the side of his face with the scar.
“I do not understand, is your plan to treat me like a brooding mare after all? I insist on having dinner with my husband, at least on our wedding night. If I am to sire an heir for you, then I wish to know you better beforehand.” She cocked her head to the side in a challenge, defying his cool dismissal.
Aaron looked back at her with an angry scowl. “I will not be told what to do in my own home, remember that.” His voice dropped to a dangerously low growl as he narrowed his eyes.
Marina’s heart thudded furiously as she realized that she would need to hold her tongue when it came to the duke. He was not a man to be trifled with, even if she felt as if he was already trifling with her heart.
Chapter 5
Marina picked at the pieces of roast meat on her plate, pushing them around with her fork. Her stomach churned with nausea as she eventually gave up and placed her knife and fork beside her plate. Not even the potatoes or anything else seemed appetizing to her after the sight of the meat.
She had been surprised when Aaron summoned her to dinner, yet now she wished he had allowed her to stay in her chambers.
“Is something the matter?” The duke eventually growled, sitting back in his chair and glaring at her. “Is the dining room not to your liking, or did you have something else in mind for dinner?” He looked at the untouched plate of roasted meats on the table in front of her. His own plate was laden with beef and pheasant.
Marina pulled up her nose and made a face. “There is nothing wrong with your home, Your Grace. In fact, I have never seen such a lovely mansion. I am truly blessed to call it my home.” She looked at the fine mahogany chairs, the crystal chandelierabove the table, and even the portraits on the wall. It was clear to her that no expense had been saved when decorating his lavish home.
Aaron raised an eyebrow and waited for her response, cocking his head to the side in confusion.
Heaving a sigh, she averted her gaze from her plate, wishing for one of the footmen to take it away. “I do not eat meat, Your Grace. I cannot live in a world where animals have to suffer and die for the pleasure of humans. There are far too many animals that get killed for senseless pleasure.” She swallowed hard when the scent of beef lingered in the air above her plate.
His brow creased into a deep frown. “I do not understand, what would you eat instead of meat?” He gestured to the feast of meat that had been prepared for their wedding. It was clear to Marina that no expense had been spared when picking the finest cuts. She wondered if any animals had been spared in the aftermath of her wedding.
Rolling her eyes, Marina sat forward and nudged her plate aside. “Oh, there are several alternatives, Your Grace. Vegetables, fruits, cheeses, and bread. Many things come to mind other than the formerly free and beautiful carcasses of animals. Rest assured that I will be having a word with the cook about the food that gets served onmyplate. A larger spread of grains will be in order, preferably ones that have not been marinating in animal fat.”
Swearing under his breath, Aaron turned back to his plate and shook his head. “Suit yourself, as long asIdo not have to eat any of that.” He cut into a large piece of beef, allowing some of the fat to drip onto the potatoes.
Disgust churned her stomach when a footman carried in a tray of roasted pheasants.
“I thought I said that the pheasants were to be brought out once I was done with the roast!” Aaron banged his fist on the table, making the poor footman jump along with Marina.
The poor man almost dropped the tray as he scurried to remove it from the room.
He is so harsh when displeased…
Marina swallowed hard as she watched him devour the piece of meat on his plate. She almost felt as if she should keep quiet in his presence, yet the defiance she felt to defend her convictions overtook her fear.
“Do you not care for the souls of the animals that you eat? Do you not think that they love in the same way that we do?” She became increasingly irate as she pushed the plate of meat completely away from herself. She had never been able to stomach the smell of meat, let alone the sight of it on her plate.
“No, I cannot say that I have. Do you not think of the poor animals whose food you are stealing?” He looked up from his plate with a puzzled expression.
His question confused Marina, making her frown. “I beg your pardon?”
The duke nodded to the meager spread of vegetables beside the massive roast in the center of the table. “Do the deer in the forest not eat the vegetables on the table? Has it ever occurred to you that by eating their food, you are doing them a far greater unkindness than eating them?”
“There is more than enough food on God’s green earth to allow us to eat alongside the deer. Never in my life have I ever been faced with such a ridiculous argument. When you see an animal starving on the streets of London, would you rather kill them or give them some food? If your answer is the former, then I sincerely hope you grow a conscience!”
Aaron looked at her with a great deal of exasperation and speared a piece of meat with his fork. “You would certainly not do well in a war.” The duke gritted his teeth and placed a forkful of roast beef in his mouth, chewing slowly as he held her gaze.
“Were you planning on sending me to war, Your Grace? If so then, I must protest to the terms of our marriage.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she glared at him.
“If anyone is going to war, it will be me. At least then I will be able to eat my meat in peace. How you have come this far in lifewith such an absurd view, is beyond me.” Aaron continued to eat his food, unperturbed by her protests or anything she had said.
Her irritation with his behavior suddenly made her want to see things in a different light. She had agreed to the marriage of convenience, yet she was not about to live in a house where none of her views were taken seriously. The baron had forced her to live in a home filled with his grotesque hunting trophies, but that would not be the case with the duke. “I will have you know that…” Marina’s voice trailed off when the sound of clapping suddenly cut through the air.
“Bravo, Aaron, quite a brazen move, I must say.” Adam stepped into the room, smirking at his brother before winking at Marina. His slow clapping petered out as he locked his eyes on his brother. “I see that congratulations are in order.”