Page 18 of Claiming Sarah
Deacon said, “We will have to ask Wave—”
“I’m not being shared with Tiger or any of the rest of the crews.” Sarah put her tiny foot down on the matter, poking Deacon in the chest with her finger. “I realize this is your Ladrian custom, blah, blah, blah, but it is notmycustom, and I think I should get some say-so in the matter.”
He grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it to placate her. “We will figure something out, I promise,” he said.
He put a call out to theAllegiant’shistorian, Wave, on his gauntlet driver, and she quickly joined us from his ship.
“Yes?” she asked, once she’d arrived.
“We would like you to unite us,” Deacon told her. “All three of us.”
Her brown eyes widened at the unorthodox request. “Allthreeof you?”
“Yes,” I interjected firmly. “Before I jump them right here, right now, preferably.”
“Eww,” she cringed at the insinuation of sex. “I did not need to hear, or envision, that. Very well…wait. What about the pomp? Are you—”
“No. We’re not,” Sarah said firmly.
A stickler for rules, Wave frowned at Deacon. “But the law is clear on the matter—”
The discussion went back and forth for a while until Sarah finally jumped into the exchange. “But we’ve already had one pomp. So, why would we need another?”
Wave crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “If I agree to that, then can we stop debating your sex lives? That would be preferable for me.”
I searched my memory, trying to think of a time the historian had been in a relationship of her own. “Wave, do you even date?”
“Ugh, no, not anymore.” She shimmied the willies away. “The whole idea is deplorable to me. Are we ready to do this? Idohave other duties, you know.”
I laughed and shrugged. “Let’s do this.”
“Wait, one second,” Deacon said, then ran into Valor’s house.
While he was gone, I smiled down at Sarah. “Did Deacon talk you into this?”
Her beautiful eyes had a dreamy quality to them, as if the thought of being united to both of us made her the happiest woman on the planet. “I brought it up to him, actually,” she admitted.
My heart expanded in my chest, and I gently brushed back a few strands of hair from her cheek. “I love you, Sarah Hollinger.”
She beamed up at me. “I love you, too, Jacaranda Cozz,” she said, making me feel like theluckiestguy on the planet.
Deacon returned, followed by his family and both of our crews. “It only seemed right to have everyone here, since everyone is here.” Grinning, he stepped up to us so that he and I both flanked Sarah on either side.
“Couldn’t agree more,” I said with a nod, then pointed at the historian to get things moving. “Wave, you’re on.”
She smiled and pressed her badge to record the ceremony. “On the 12, 519thday of Muraska, I unite Deacon Amroll-Bellket Ladrang to Sarah Hollinger and Jacaranda Cozz. May you produce many heirs.”
And that, was that.Short and sweet, thank god.
The crowd clapped for us, before I grabbed both of their hands in mine. I wasn’t waiting any longer to make this union official. To make them bothmine.
“I’m glad you’re all here, but we have business elsewhere. Excuse us,” I said impatiently, while Sarah blushed and giggled adorably.
I whisked them away toward Deacon’s ship,Allegiant, because he had the bigger bed. Once we were in his quarters, I kissed him and began yanking his uniform off, while Sarah pulled at mine, stripping me of my clothes until they were gone.
When I turned around, she was already nude. My eyes feasted on her curvy body. Her perfect tits caught my eyes, before Deacon snuck around me and hoisted her into his arms. She giggled and motioned for me to follow as he carried her away. Her ivory skin contrasted gorgeously with the dark gray fur as he set her on his massive bed.
He kissed her inner ankle, then looked back at me. “Come here, Jac. You’re a part of this, too.”