Page 56 of Claiming Sarah
He laughed and hooked her head with his hand before he kissed her, making me watch as their tongues tangled and they shared the taste of me between them.
Jac’s cock thickened and throbbed in my ass. Then he bellowed as he came.
Last night was awesome.
I had woken with a satisfied grin on my face, but it faded fast when a servant knocked on Deacon’s door. I was summoned to a breakfast with Rex at a very early hour, and as his guest it wasn’t like I was in a position to refuse. But I didn’t like that the guys weren’t coming along, and they were both equally agitated at Rex’s request.
“No. Absolutely not,” Deacon said, folding his arms across his bared chest, watching with narrowed eyes as I dressed.
I sighed, annoyed with his overbearing attitude. After last night I’d thought that we’d come to an understanding, that I had no interest in Rex on a romantic level. “Do you trust me?”
Deacon’s jaw clenched. “It is Rex I do not trust.”
With good reason, I’d give him that. I wasn’t so naïve that I didn’t see how cunning Rex was beneath all that charm, but I also had no intention of falling for his flirtations. I onlywanted to get to know him better. I wanted to know more about Faithless and its inhabitants. I wanted to figure out Rex’s motives, because it was clear he had one.
“I refuse to allow you to be alone with him,” Deacon continued in a domineering tone.
I bristled, because Deacon’s bossy attitude reminded me of Ryan’s, my ex back on Earth, and how he’d controlled my thoughts, my actions, and my decisions.Never again.“Deacon, we may be united, but I don’t need your permission to do anything, really.”
Anger flickered in his golden eyes, the same dark emotion I’d seen last night when we’d returned to the room from dinner. The same intensity he’d unleased on me in the most earth-shattering ways, both shocking and delighting me. The recollections of how hot and passionate that angry sex had been made me shiver even now.
“Let her go,” Jac said, coming up beside Deacon and giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze to calm him down.
Jac looked mutually wary about me being alone with Rex, but he knew we were really all at our host’s mercy and had little control over our situation. I’d seen the massive moat around the estate when we’d arrived, and there was no doubt that Deacon had seen it, too. We weren’t leaving until Rex allowed us to.
The tension in Deacon’s body eased a fraction. “Do not touch him, and donotlet him touch you, Sarah. Are we clear on that?”
“Yes.” I’d give Deacon at least that much reassurance.
Finished dressing in a conservative tunic dress, I gave both Jac and Deacon a quick kiss each and opened the bedroom door. The female servant who’d come to collect me for breakfast with Rex stood there waiting, and as soon as I stepped outside, she led the way down the hallway back to the dining area.
“Do you know why Rex would want to see me so early?” I asked the other woman.
She shrugged. “His whims come and go with the phases of the moon. Best not to disappoint him. Ever,” she advised.
I glanced around, but the halls were quiet and empty. “Do you know where our friend, Omen, is?” I asked her.
She stiffened at the question before replying. “I don’t know.”
I had the feeling she was lying about Omen’s whereabouts, but before I had a chance to grill the servant further, we arrived at the dining room. Rex was already there, in his seat at the head of the table.
“Good morning, Sarah,” he greeted me cheerfully. “Pleasant dreams?”
“You could say that,” I replied, remembering how last night’s activities had also seeped into my dreams. “And yourself?”
“More than pleasant.” His eyes sparkled with something depraved. “Mine were wicked visions of naked bodies, writhing in ecstasy.Threenaked bodies in particular.”
Fire burned its way up to my cheeks as I settled into the seat next to him, and I was suddenly aghast at the possibility that we’d had an audience last night. “Rex Terian, did youspyon us?”
He tried to look innocent, and failed. “That would make me a trickster, would it not?”
“I have heard as much about you.”
“Then it must be true.” He chuckled and gestured to one of the servants standing nearby, who scurried off to an adjoining room, then returned moments later with two plates of food.