Page 27 of Recon Rendezvous
Ty, Eli, and Drew’s snickers blare in my ears and I come to an abrupt halt as I take in the large, open room. About six easels are lined up behind the couch, each covered in a poster sized image. Smaller images litter the couch cushions and coffee table. Snaps of… me?
The girls titter behind me as I take everything in. Me in navy or hunter green briefs, which means they are from my competitive swimming college days.
The room grows quiet, everyone waiting with bated breath as I walk from each blown-up image.
Stopping at the most offensive photograph, several bursts of laughter escape as I take in all the chaos.
The image captured me standing, hands in the air, cheering on my teammate. But it’s the tufts of dark pubes overlapping the bands of my suit at my waist and thighs that really draw the eye.Holy fuck. I look like I’m smuggling troll dolls and black Brillo pads between my legs.
Sliding to the next one, my gaze flickers over the picture quickly.
Standing beside the pool, I admire my cut physique. College me was a motherfucking beast. Then I see it. A saggy as fuck crotch with a nonexistent cock.This is rude AF! Moving the fuck on.
Someone snorts behind me as my hand goes to my chest, inspecting.Those aren’t my nipples.Are those moobies?
A small smile starts to creep in at the next poster. Still no cock but an overinflated moose knuckle.Okay, that’s actually impressive.
This last one has mysterious brown stains on the back of my green uniform and thighs, but it’s the look on my face, eyes wide in surprise that says,Whoopsie, that makes me want to burst out laughing, but I cover it with a cough.
An intricate ass butterfly tattoo at the base of my spine is the last shot.I don’t even think I could sit still for that long.
Turning abruptly, I stroll by each poster again. Someone has clearly mastered photoshop.
London, seemingly unable to take my silence anymore, makes her way over to me, holding up a smaller postcard sized image.
“I had no idea you were such a prolific swimmer, stud. Would you sign this for me?” She bats her lashes, as if I can’t see right through her fake nice shit.
“Of course. Anything for a fan.” Snatching the marker, I sign her card, the one with the overgrown bush, with a flourish and a predatory smile.Choke on a dick!
Flinging it back to her, I turn to the room. “Damn! My abs were insane. I need to get my shit together and get back into the gym.”
My guys erupt into laughter, and I whisper in her ear, “You’re going to have to do better than this, babycakes. I do love to see you flop and flounder, but I don’t want you to hurt yourself. However, for once, you’re right. I was and still am a fucking stud. If you want me to sign a real poster for you to hang up on your wall so you can watch me while you stroke that perfect little pussy every night before bed, let me know. I’m always willing to help a beautiful woman in need.”
I don’t wait for her biting retort. Striding around the couch, the guys all dap me up and clap me on the back as I say, “Who’s next? I’m happy to sign anything for my fans.”
The girls ignore me as London rejoins them and they head over to the kitchen. Ty gestures with his chin and we follow him over to his massive black and brass bar that runs along the wall of his dining room. He steps behind it, ready to play mixologist.
It’s Friday, the night of our weekly catch-up dinner, but before these two settled down we used to lavish ourselves with decadent fare, libations, and the beautiful women Chicago has to offer. Instead, I received a text from Sasha that London wasn’t feeling well, and she didn’t want to leave her home alone, so we’d be having dinner at their place so she could keep an eye on her.
Lies.These girls are sneaky and here I thought Sasha was on my team.
“Bourbon. You already know.”
Ty nods, preparing our drinks. Excusing himself, he carries a tray of drinks into the kitchen, vodka soda for Sasha, tequila rocks for Mia, champagne for Gem, and white wine for London. He’s fucking whipped.
But I can’t help but watch as Sasha thanks him, her eyes big with little hearts floating out of them, as he picks her up, bringing her up to his height so they are eye to eye. I give a little grumble as something twinges in my chest. Could I have that? I can’t stop the question from reverberating in my mind as I watch them. They’re good for each other and I’m happy that my friend found his perfect match.
Glancing over to London, I notice her watching them with a soft smile on her face. The rest of us are used to them, Gem and Eli too, but these overt signs of love and affection between her cousin and his wife are new for her. Ty offers Sash one more kiss before he sets her gently on her feet, kisses her head, and returns to the bar.
Pouring my drink and refreshing everyone else’s, he finally meets my gaze. “Sorry, man. I had no idea they were setting you up like that.”
Drew and Eli finally pull their faces out of their phones. “No worries. I’m confident it was all London and everyone else was just along for the ride.”
They laugh as I intended. “I don’t know what it is about me that has her panties in a bunch, but I’ll figure it out.”
I say it with a smile, but I mean it. It’s all fun and games if underneath it all she enjoys these little games we play, but if not, I’ll work harder to win her over and then bend her over. She’s been hard to figure out, to get close to, but something tells me most men disappoint her. Her little tricks, that smart ass mouth, cuts them off at the knees, and she knows it. It’s like her fucking armor.
Tuning the guys out as they rib each other and talk shit, I watch London, unabashedly as she drinks and hangs with the girls. As if a weight has been lifted from her shoulders, she’s now light, carefree, that hint of sparkle is back as she watches them, that soft smile on her beautiful lips, laughs freely, and shit talks right along with them. I like this side of her. I like it a lot and I want to see more of it.