Page 4 of Recon Rendezvous
Walking into the bar, I'm immediately met with the smell of stale beer and sweat. Laughter, shrieks, and sweltering heat engulf me, and I regret wearing these layers as I move through the crowd. Tugging off my hat, I shove it into my pocket and saddle up to the bar.
Glancing around the dark wood interior, I look for my boys, Eli, Ty, and Drew. The lucky bastards didn’t have to work this morning. We all own and run our own shit, and I’m usually the best at delegating tasks. Drew is the worst. I guess lawyers need to be present to actually win cases.
Ordering a green beer and a shot of Jameson, I throw some cash down, after slamming my empty shot glass back on the bar and move away to make room for the other party animals. Holding my beer above my head as I navigate the crowd, I finally spot someone I recognize. Gem. I’d know those big dark curls anywhere. She's at a table in the corner laughing, and I spot her jabbering with Mia and Sasha. Smiling as I watch their antics, I’ll never admit this, but I’m happy they found love with my best friends. Because not only are my guys fucking happy but weirdly, so am I. These girls are amazing. Sasha with her nurturing spirit, Gem with her cheery sweetness, she just makes you happy when you're around her, and Mia with all that sass. Their addition to our group, even if it makes my friends fucking morons, is perfect.
Alright, if the girls are here, the guys aren't far behind. They would never leave them in this chaos without keeping a close eyeon them. A great man once said, don't bring sand to the beach. I said that well before I met these girls, and I can admit when I’m wrong. Making my way over to them, all signs point to the liquor has hit as they scream my name at my approach causing everyone to turn around to check us out and I eat it up.
Turning to the ladies at the nearby table, I wink. “Don’t worry. There’s more than enough to go around. We have all night.”
“Of course, you had to ruin it,” quips Mia, as Gem and Sasha gag.
I shake my head at them, mouthinghito the gorgeous girl to my right who seems extremely interested in fucking around and finding out. Going around the table, I offer each of the girls a hug.
“Hey, shorty.”
Sasha stands, offering me a one-armed hug. She just shakes her head and not for the first time I think she sees through all my bullshit, maybe that’s why we’ve gotten close. Looking them over, I laugh.
“You guys went all out.” They are decked out, practically head to toe in St. Paddy’s green. Striped tights, tutus, suspenders, headbands. Very 80s.
Heading over to Gem, she whips around, smacking me with her big fluffy ponytail. “Hey, Xander. I met a girl in the restroom who I think would be perfect for you!” she squeals. I can only laugh at Ms. Bubbly. Eli has his hands full trying to keep up with this one.
Pulling her into a hug, I look around the table. “Oh really? You girls are wild, telling your life story and making friends in bathrooms.”
She laughs. “You should give her a chance.”
I give a noncommittal shrug as I make my way over to Mia. Maybe I’ll take her up on it. Gem is a pretty good wingwoman,but since Anguilla, or rather, sinceher, no one has compared, and it’s been months since I’ve gotten my dick wet. Maybe today is the day I get over it and break this fucking dry spell.
“Hey.” I bop Mia on the top of her blonde head, and she turns and gives me a big hug. Scanning the table, I ask, “Do you ladies want another round?”
Sasha dances in her seat. “No. We’re leaving in a minute. Time for the next spot.”
“Oh yeah? Where are the guys?”
Gem points over her head. “Pool tables.”
“Cool. I’ll be back in a sec. Try to stay out of trouble.” Their boos and hisses chase me in the direction of the pool tables.
Finishing up my beer, I set my empty glass on a table. Weaving through the crowd, I spot Ty’s big ass leaning against a wall in the far-left corner of the bar. I briefly consider heading to the bar for another beer, but if we’re leaving, the wait in line won’t be worth it.
As I draw nearer, Eli and Drew come into view, playing a game of pool. Stepping beside their table, I shoot a glance at Ty who is too busy talking to someone who isn't Sasha. Risking a glance at the girls’ table, they are engaged in conversation, so Sasha hasn't noticed that her husband is enthralled in conversation with another woman, and I want to go punch him in the dick.
Who gets married on a fucking whim in Vegas, then drags us to a tropical locale for a vow renewal, only to come home and flirt with some chick at a bar while his wife is right here? I'm going to fuck him up.
But I must admit, as my eyes trail up long legs, encased in tight black jeans, and over the delicious curve of her ass and hips, at least from the back, she’d be worth the dick punch. Her back is still turned to me, and her dark hair is sleek and shiny as it grazes just past her shoulders. Her only concession to theholiday is the big green bow on her head. Okay, so she's not exactly festive, but I’d let her play with my pot of gold.
They both turn to me then, in fucking slow motion, and Ty, with the biggest shit eating grin on his face, asks, his voice distorted and dripping slow like molasses, “Hey, you remember my cousin, London, don’t you?”
My eyes narrow as I size her pretty ass up.What the fuck is she doing here?The last person I expected to see today isLittle Ms. Blue Balls.
Before either of us can respond, shrill screams cut through the chaos, and within mere blinks Sasha, Gem, and Mia are pushing me out of the way as they clamor to get to London. They must have teleported across the bar. I cover my ears as they scream, hug, jump, and scream some more, all talking over each other in their excitement.
Sasha squeezes London’s arm. “Oh my gosh, I didn't think you were coming until next week. We would have picked you up from the airport.”
Gem and Mia whip around to look at her, and Gem exclaims, “You didn't tell us she was coming.”