Page 7 of Recon Rendezvous
Her pretty eyes narrow as she looks down her nose at me. “Looks like you can’t handle me either, putting my business in the streets.”
Glancing over my shoulder, I meet Nobody’s eyes. “Oops. I think I’m going to get a spanking. Would you give us some privacy?” Without a word, he shakes his head, scampering off.
Facing her again, I give her my most charming smile. “You’re damn right I can handle your ass. Besides,you’rethe one who told me tobe more specific,” I say, imitating her cute little voice.
She throws her head back with a laugh and I can’t help stepping closer, pulling her to me and running my nose along her slender neck. “Hmm, you smell good enough to eat. Again.”Her laughter fades as her hands come to rest on my biceps and she brings her eyes to mine.
“Fine.Alexander. Nice to see you again.”
Fuck, my name on her lips.
“That’s more like it, babycakes. Now, why don’t you meet me in the restroom. We have some unfinished business.”
Rising on her tiptoes, she practically purrs in my ear, “Give me five minutes, slugger.” Before she pulls away and disappears into the crowd.
Fuck yeah.I’ve been dreaming of those pink lips stretched around me for months. Readjusting my very excited dick, I turn, elbowing my way through the crowd and head for the Men’s room because of course the Women’s has a line around the fucking block.
Splashing some water on my face, I wash my hands and pace. This place has decent enough floor to ceiling stalls so no one can see her on her knees for me in case she’s shy, but this floor is a disaster.
RIP to her knees.
Bouncing on the balls of my feet, I rub my hands together, more than ready to fuck her little throat raw for all the teasing and games she's been playing today. Checking my watch, and it's already been about ten minutes. Here she goes again with the game playing. I decide to give her another five minutes and if she's not in here I'm going out there, putting her over my knee, and spanking her little ass.
Just as I’m ready to storm back out into the bar, the door creaks open, and my gaze shoots up. But instead of London walking through the door, a guy shuffles in, his eyes wide.
“S-someone told me that there was a guy in here giving blowies.” He looks me over. “Damn. You’re hot as fuck.” Shaky hands go for his belt buckle. “S-should we do this here or the s-stall?”
His voice trembles and cracks, and now it’s my turn to shuffle about. “Umm…” I clear my throat. “Dude, I…”
He laughs. “I’m just fucking with you, man. This hot chick said she’d buy us a round of shots if I propositioned you.”
Expelling a breath, utter fucking relief flows through my body, and I join in with his hysterical laughter. “Holy shit. I was trying to figure out a way to let you down easy, while thinking of who I could call to help you out. Fuck!”
We laugh again before a thought hits me.
“Actually, I have another proposition for you.”
If she wants to play, let’s fucking play.
Damn, Alexander Grant is still just as yummy as I remember. Too hot to look directly at for too long, like the sun, but you don’t actually want to look away.Let it burn, baby.His black hair is a little shaggier than it was a few months ago, a constant tuft keeps falling into his eyes, with the back curling a bit against his neck.
He’ssomy type physically. I love a man with broad shoulders and a tapered waist. Plus, he’s tall and chiseled without being bulky.Good god.But it’s his eyes, always teasing, dark, and mischievous, that drew me in, with lush lashes no man should have. Plus, that cheeky fucking grin.
It’s everything else about him that’s such a turnoff. He’s too damn cocky for my taste. Loud. Wrong. Something about him screams manchild. At the wedding, I’d wanted to forget everything and just live in the moment and no one else screams carpe diem quite like Alexander. Besides, it was New Year’s Eve and just days after my birthday. I just wanted to let go, have some slore fun, and leave it all behind me at thestrokeof midnight. And boy, was he a good time. Long and thick, he’d filled me so completely, I still clench and moan at the memoryof it. Maybe I should have considered a mantra of new year, new dick instead.
No, no. It was a weak moment. One I will absolutely not be repeating. Even as he looks at me in that way and you just know the sex will be just as good, if not better. From my experiences, few men can pull it off—the look or the sex—but Alexander’s a big nope for me. At least that smart mouth was good for something.
Pushing aside his so few positive traits, I feign nonchalance, keeping my eyes fixed on the door. My new friend, Kevin, went into the restroom thirty seconds ago and any minute now, Alexander is going to come storming through that door. Laughter bubbles in my gut at the image and I can’t wait. Checking my watch, I begin a countdown.Five... Four... Three… Two… One…I look up at the door and… nothing. What the hell?
So, I stand there, my eyes flicking between my watch and the restroom door for tenfuckingminutes, when Kevin struts out, swiping his thumb along the corner of his mouth. Less than a minute later, Alexander follows with a smug smile, readjusting his pants.
What the hell!My stomach crashes to the sticky floor as Alexander's eyes lock with mine. Looking around frantically, my head is on a swivel as I search for an escape route before making a break for our table. Hopefully, he won't say anything with everyone around, but as I near the table, I curse under my breath. Of course, they're all gone.Fuck.
“Well, well, well,” he says as he saunters toward me. “It looks like someone is a dirty little liar who lies.”