Page 71 of Recon Rendezvous
“Okay, but did you enjoy yourself? That’s all that matters. I want to ensure that everything about tonight puts a smile on your face,” I say, taking her hand in mine.
“Xander, seriously, thank you. This has been the sweetest surprise, maybe even too sweet. I'll probably never eat another dessert in my life.” She laughs, turning her hand over to intertwine our fingers. “But I'm glad I was able to do this with you. How do you know me so well? I've always wondered, from my favorite wine to my favorite foods, and my love of all things sweet. You have all the answers.”
Do I tell her about the recon I've done? How I'veperusedher social media accounts for months, just to give me a reason to smile each day. Or howThe Councilhappily answered every question about her I had, and helped get her to each rendezvous
“I pay attention. It's hard not to do when you’re around.”
She shakes her head, a soft smile on her beautiful lips. “You're such a sweet talker, but do you mean it or is it just another line?”
We lock eyes. “Have I used lines in the past? Definitely. When I'm with you, when I'm speaking to you about how I feel, I am one hundred percent genuine. How can I not be with you?” She shakes her head, and my hands fly up to cup her cheeks. “Hear me, London. There's nothing I want more than to spend time with you, to build this trust between us, so you never have to question whether I mean it. Baby, please know, I’ll always mean it.”
Her eyes flutter closed as she leans into my hand. We sit like that until she finally exhales.
“I’m happy you mean it. It’s what I’ve wanted for a while,” she whispers.
Something twinges in my heart at her words. Brushing featherlight kisses across her lips, I whisper, “Good. Finally, we’re on the same fucking page. Now, let’s get you home. I have another date to plan.”
She smiles against my lips, and I can’t help but do the same. “Another date? Only if you ask nicely.”
“That’s your problem right there. I wasn’t asking.”
She rolls her eyes but doesn’t protest, so score one for me.
Transitioning from the restaurant is a blur of faces as London and I thank the chef and staff profusely. These really were the best desserts I’ve ever eaten, and they assure us the leftover food will be donated to a local shelter.
Alone on the bus, we’re both quiet, lost in thought as the Seattle cityscape passes by. Pulling her closer, I drop a kiss to her temple. Tonight has been a turning point hopefully, or at least that’s how I feel deep in my gut. We fit together so well, I just hope she finally sees it.
The bus pulls up outside her rental and I take my time helping London into her coat, not quite ready for this night to end. This time together has shifted everything between us, and I don’t want our magical bubble to pop once we step off this bus.
Once on the curb, I turn, offering her a hand, which she accepts with a smile. Once she joins me on the sidewalk, her attempts to pull away are futile, because I’m never letting go.
“It’s our first date, so we have to do all the things one does on a date and that means I walk you to the door.”
Throwing her head back with a groan, she allows me to guide her to the door, her soft body tucked into mine and my hand resting possessively on all that ass.
Stopping at the door, we turn to each other at the same time. It’s as if neither of us want this to end, but instead we seek each other with roaming hands and warm gazes.
“So, Ms. Cameron. Are you one of those girls who kiss on the first date?”
“That depends.” Her eyes sparkle in the moonlight, and I take a few moments to let my gaze linger on her beautiful, upturned face, her smile stealing the breath from my lungs.
“On?” I murmur, stroking her cheek.
“Does it make me your good girl if I do or…”
“You’re always my good girl. Don’t you ever worry about that, gorgeous,” I say, bending to meet her luscious lips.
She opens for me easily, as if she wants this as much as I do. Our lips and tongues move together seeking, craving, and the hint of apple and spice is my undoing as I pull her closer. Cradling her head, I take and take some more, and my baby gives me everything, even a little nip to my bottom lip and I can’t help laughing into the kiss.
This beautiful woman brings so much joy into my life. I could stand here and kiss her for hours, for years, forever. Pulling away, I scan her face, taking in her blown pupils and swollen lips, as we both struggle to catch our breath.
Bringing her fingers to her wet lips, her eyes hold mine before she whispers, “Good night, Xander.”
“Until I see you again, baby. Have a good night.”
Her hesitation tugs at my heart, but she finally pulls away, offering one more soft smile and a cute little wave before she closes the door with a soft click.
Yes, forever wouldn’t be long enough, but I know I’d treasure every single moment.