Page 91 of Recon Rendezvous
Meeting my gaze in the mirror, she nods, turning, her hand sliding into mine.
Kissing her temple, I inhale her familiar scent. “I meant what I said. I know we still have a lot to talk about, but I’ve never been more serious about anything. No matter what, remember that, please.”
Leading her back to the party, I give her hand another squeeze, kissing her knuckles.
“Call me a broken record, but have I told you how incredibly stunning you look tonight? I still can't believe you came. I had to beg and plead with the girls to help me get you here with the short notice. I owe them big time, like a kidney or a Maserati.”
Throwing her head back with a laugh, she says, “I knew it. I did not remember any of the details for tonight.”
“That’s my fault. I always planned on your being here beside me, but with everything going on, I didn’t get a chance to mention it. But everything was already in motion and after I explained how I fucked up, the girls were more than willing to help me out.”
Ignoring everyone’s bid for attention, I lead us through the crowd, heading straight to the center of the dance floor. Stepping easily into my arms, we sway to the music.
“You do. I planned to stay home, curled up in my bed.” Looking away, she finally asks, “Why was it so important for me to be here tonight? Was it just to spring your parents on me?”
“London, I don't know how many ways I can say this, but I will keep trying until I figure out a way that penetrates that beautiful brain of yours. It was always my intention to have you here by my side. I want you. I want you in my life. I wanted you to be here with me tonight to meet my family. My grandparents. My sisters and brother are around here somewhere, and they are looking forward to meeting you, too.” Lifting her chin, our eyes meet, and I try to convey just how serious I am. “So, you being here, enjoying a night that is all about celebrating love and partnership, is important to me. Okay?”
“Okay,” she whispers.
“Good. Now, let’s enjoy the night. It’s been too long since I’ve held you in my arms.”
Those eyes meet mine again, searching. I meet her gaze, showing her everything, showing her she can trust me. But better yet, she can trust herself and how she feels.
Walking hand in hand with London into my apartment feels right. Having her here has always felt right, even though those moments were brief, back when she used me just to get off, I knew we were moving toward something special. Or at least, I’d hoped.
“Welcome home,” I murmur, pulling London to me and nuzzling her hair.
Her silence surprises me, but my confidence remains unshaken. She met family tonight. That’s a huge step for her and now she’s here, there’s no way I’m letting her go again.
But before I can disrespect the shit out of her body, I remember my manners.
“Do you need anything, water, food, before we go to bed?” I murmur against her ear.
She shakes her head, and I lead her through the darkened apartment, the glow of lights from the city below plays a distant guide to the room she’s always avoided. Like always, I watch her for every little reaction as we step inside.
Stopping short, her eyes roam the scene surrounding us. An array of white candles glow along every available surface, casting flickering light across her face.
“What’s all this?” she whispers.
“I really wanted to see you in candlelight. Watch the flames dance in your eyes. But first...” Guiding her deeper into the room, I kneel to unbuckle the sparkly gold strap of her sky-high stiletto.
She doesn't respond and when I look up, her eyes are already on me. Tossing that shoe to the side I caress her other ankle.
“Hold on to me, baby, I'm gonna take your other shoe off.”
Thin fingers weave through my hair, she gets a grip, tugging lightly, pulling a soft moan from my throat.
Standing, my eyes follow the movement as her tongue slips out to slide over her plump bottom lip.
“Thank you.”
“Always my pleasure. But now that I have you here, you're not leaving. I may just toss these shoes over my balcony.”
She laughs. “If I wanted to leave, I’d leave.”
Stroking my finger down her shoulder, I shake my head. “No, you wouldn't. Not barefoot. I know you well enough at this point to know that would be too disgusting for you to even fathom.”
She makes a face scrunching her nose. “Fine. You're right. I would have to cut my feet off and burn them at the stake.”