Page 13 of The Hero She Loves
Her ex’s ripe curse cut across the line.
Vic was clearly feeling the heat. It was his cost-cutting initiative and arrogant attitude that had caused this.
“You should have assigned more people to the transport detail, Vic.”
He made a sound. “I thought you were exaggerating this guy’s skills. He’s not the only fugitive we’re after.”
Vic just didn’t like to think anyone was better than him.
“You think of screwing me over and making me look bad, Sheridan, then?—”
“Vic.” Her voice was sharp. “You never actually factor into any of my decisions.” Not since she’d dumped him. “I will do my job because I want a criminal like Olson in prison.”
Vic was silent. “Sorry, I’m just feeling the pressure. I know you’re good at your job, Jenna.”
“I am.”
He was silent for a moment. “I miss that gung-ho drive of yours.”
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “I’ll call you when I have an update.” She ended the call.
“What did you ever see in him?” Owen asked.
“I can’t remember.” At first, they’d had a camaraderie. She thought they’d worked well together, even if he was often impulsive, and had a habit of hogging the limelight. He was good-looking, he’d showered her with compliments. He’d told her that he liked her strength and intelligence.
Of course, after she’d broken off the relationship, that had soured. Suddenly, she was a ball buster.
No man wants to be emasculated, Jenna. You’re not feminine enough. I needed softness. I needed someone who needed me.
She shook her head and thoughts of Vic away.
She glanced up. Parker stood in the doorway.
He looked good. He wore jeans and a black T-shirt that fit his hard chest like a glove. She was well aware of what that chest looked like without the cotton.
Crap, how much had he overheard of her phone call?
“Morning.” She stood. “Parker Conroy, this is Deputy Marshal Owen Briggs.”
Owen was polite, but she could tell he was still unconvinced. He held out a hand, but Parker just nodded and didn’t take it.
“Nice to meet you,” Parker said.
She remembered when she’d touched his hand yesterday.
He didn’t like to be touched.
Jenna’s stomach contracted. Knowing now that he’d spent three weeks in Taliban captivity, it made sense.What the hell had they done to him?
She stood. “Owen, Parker needs to go over everything we have on Olson. Then we’ll go and take a look at the accident site.”
“We’ve gone over it already,” Owen said. “And the state troopers took the vehicles away. It’ll be a waste of time.”
“I haven’t gone over it.” Parker started flipping through a file on the table.
Owen crossed his arms. “I thought you jarheads were allergic to paperwork.”