Page 21 of The Hero She Loves
Fuck this.
Park moved into a crouch. He waited. There was another shotgun blast, and he felt a chip of wood clip his neck.
After a pause, he knew Price was reloading, and Park launched himself through the ruined wood panels.
He crashed into the shadowed shed, he saw the older man instantly. Price stood with his feet spread, shotgun in hand.
Park charged him. He kicked the man, then wrenched the gun away. Price reached for his belt and pulled out a long, hunting knife.
“That’s a bad idea,” Park said.
“This is my place. You’re trespassing!” The old man’s thin, gray hair fell in straggly strands around his weathered face. “Man’s got a right to defend himself.”
“We’re US marshals, and you know why we’re here.”
Marty Price lifted the knife and moved to the left. “We don’t like pigs or feds around here.”
Park shook his head. “Just put it down. I don’t want to hurt you.”
The old man snorted. “You can try, boy.” He darted forward, slicing out with the knife.
The man was faster than Park had given him credit for. Park dodged, and chopped a hand to Price’s back. The man grunted.
“Last chance, old man.”
“Fuck you!” He swung fast.
Park didn’t really want to hurt the guy. He whirled, and felt a lick of heat on his side. He ignored it, then rammed a blow to the man’s arm. Price cried out and dropped the knife on the dusty floor.
Park yanked the man’s arms behind his back, and kicked his legs out from under him.
Just as he dropped to his knees, Jenna appeared. She had her Glock aimed at Price’s head.
“You okay?” she asked Parker.
She put her weapon away, then pulled her handcuffs off her belt.
“Martin Price, you’re under arrest for attacking US Marshals. We’re taking you into custody.”
The man got a mulish, sullen look on his face.
Owen stepped inside. “Everyone okay?” He had a cut under one eye and looked a little pale.
“Yes, everyone’s all right,” Jenna said. “What about you?”
“I’m alive.” The younger man cleared his throat and looked at Park. “Um, thanks.”
Park gave the man a chin lift.
Jenna stepped in front of Price. “Where is Kyle Olson?”
Price sniffed. “Who?”
“Don’t play games with me. The man is dangerous. We know that you’re friends with him. Did you help him escape?”
Price sniffed again.