Page 73 of The Hero She Loves
“You arenotGhost Ops. You never were.”
Olson smiled. “You hate knowing that I’m better than you.” He threw the knife, the move fast and sure.
The knife hit Park’s gun, nicking his hand. The gun fell from his fingers.
Quickly, he spun, blocking Olson’s kick. Olson came at Park again and they traded several hard, brutal blows.
Olson pulled back. Now, he pulled out a second knife. This one was a tactical knife—the same one they’d carried in Ghost Ops. It was designed to kill.
They circled each other.
“You shouldn’t have agreed to hunt a brother,” Olson said.
“You’re not my brother. You’re a murderer.”
Olson lunged and swung the knife.
Park barely leaped back in time. The guy was fast.
Olson smiled. “I think I’ll enjoy gutting you. Then, I’ll find your marshal.”
Park ground his teeth together until his jaw hurt. The thought of Olson anywhere near Jenna made him see red.
“You don’t like that, do you?” Olson drawled.
“I don’t like you at all.”
They circled in the opposite direction, then Olson attacked.
Park blocked the knife and punched the man in the side. His grunt was music to Park’s ears. But Olson whirled and rammed his elbow into Park’s chest. The fight turned vicious. Their arms moved fast, as they both blocked and dodged hits. Park got some blows in, but so did Olson.
He forced himself to ignore the pain. Win the fight, take Olson down, that was all that mattered.
“Parker!” Jenna’s shout echoed off the brick wall of the nearby building.
The minute distraction was all Olson needed. There was a flash of the knife, and Park felt a hot sting on his arm.
With a hiss, he pulled back.
Olson grinned.
Park refocused. When Olson swung again, he timed it right and grabbed the man’s arm and twisted.
Olson grunted, then Park rammed him head first into the wall.
“Kyle Olson, you’re under arrest.” Jenna stepped into view, her gun aimed at Olson. “Drop the knife.”
Park squeezed Olson’s arm, and the knife dropped to the ground.
All of a sudden, Olson whipped his free hand up.
“He has another knife!” Jenna yelled.
Dammit, how many blades was the guy carrying?Park jerked to the side, but he wasn’t quick enough.
The knife stabbed into his side. Pain sizzled through him, and he heard Jenna cry out.
He wrenched away from Olson. The man still clutched the knife in his hand and it was covered in blood.