Page 92 of The Hero She Loves
She felt the tension fill his body. “But?”
“There is no but.”
“There is. Jenna?—”
She met his gold-brown gaze head on. “I love you, Parker.”
A muscle in his jaw ticked. “I love you too. More than I ever thought possible.”
“I also love my job.”
“And you’re damn good at it. You put people like Olson away. The world needs you.”
“I can’t do it here,” she whispered, her fingers digging into his skin.
His lips quirked. “I know.”
“I want to be with you. And not just sometimes, or on the odd vacation. I want to be with you every day. I want to know I’m coming home to you.”
“I want that as well.” He pulled her closer. “That’s why I’m coming with you.”
She blinked. “What?”
“I want you to come home to me every day. I want you to sleep in my arms every night. I…came here to hide. I thought this place would give me peace. The only real peace I’ve found is when I’m with you.”
Warmth wrapped around her heart. “Park?—”
“I’m coming with you. We’ll make a life together, our way. I don’t need to hide in the dark anymore.”
She grinned, unable to hold her happiness in. “We’re doing this?”
She squealed, then jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. His hand slid under her ass.
“Have I mentioned how much I love you?” She attacked his neck with her mouth. She barely registered his scars under her lips. They were a part of him. A part of the man she loved.
He arched his head. “I’m not going to stop from you telling me over and over again.” He carried her toward the door. Then he stumbled and cursed.
She tightened her hold on him. “Park?”
“Damn you, Red.” Park lifted his foot. “He moved the plate right where I would step on it. I swear that squirrel is trying to kill me.”
“We’ll keep the cabin,” she said. “We’ll come here for our vacations and visit Red.”
Park smiled. “Yeah. And so I have a place where I can keep my beautiful marshal naked all the time.” His mouth devoured hers.
She nipped his bottom lip. “I like the sound of that.”
“Good.” He headed for the bedroom. “Because I plan to get you naked now.”
A few months later
“Reservation for Conroy.”
The hostess at the Waterbar Restaurant in San Franciso smiled and nodded. “This way, sir.”
She led Park to a table by the windows and he ordered a bourbon. Then he looked out the glass at the stellar view of the Bay Bridge. The lights on it sparkled in the night sky.