Page 10 of Liberated By Sin
With the last sliver of consciousness quickly fading, I put the barrel to my temple and shut my eyes as tears streamed down. Death was mercy.
Fuck. Me.
Cold concrete rushed to my face.
The hazy images of Kai and Derek dimmed as I tipped into the abyss.
Come find me.
Neverstop fighting.
“Sleeping beauty. Wake up!” Sharp slaps against my cheek forced my eyes open to blinding white light. I recoiled from the bright rays of a sun I hadn’t seen in… in…
I didn’t know how long.
Days? Weeks?
Moving, locked up. Sleep, sleep, and morefuckingsleep. I was dead to the world more than I was conscious. But maybe it was better that way.
“Now that you look morepresentable, it’s time to start earning your keep.” Her graying brown hair was pulled into a tight bun. She was tall, with an accent I couldn’t place, and muscled arms suggesting she followed a strict workout regimen. When the woman effortlessly lifted me off the cot, bridal style, and carried me to a walk-in shower, she confirmed my suspicions.
“Let’s clean you up. You’re a young one, aren’t you?”
I said nothing and let her strip off a gown I assumed had once been white. “I heard you’ve been keeping the guys here on their toes.” Again, I ignored her and stared off, too mentally exhausted and still under the effects of sedatives to speak. But she had my full attention when she gripped the hair close to my scalp and twisted my neck. “If you don’t start cooperating, they’ll toss your ass into the nearest landfill. Do you understand me?” She tightened her grip when I didn’t immediately respond.
“Y-yes.” I didn’t recognize my own voice. My last memories consisted of screaming until I tasted blood, and they drugged me again.
“The only reason you’re still alive is because you’re young and pretty.” Calloused fingers tilted my chin. “You have these strange eyes, and you’re a virgin.”
My eyes snapped to hers as my stomach twisted. “What?”
“Your hymen is intact.”
I blinked furiously, unable to understand how and when…andwho?
“Oh, come on. Don’t act surprised. You thought they wouldn’t check? Do you know how much you’re worth? It’s the only reason you haven’t been sent to the Pit. And trust me, that’s not somewhere you want to be.”
The question hung on my tongue, but I chose silence again. I believed her. The name alone was enough of a warning. A spray of cold water tumbled over my body.
“I don’t know what you did to deserve these,” she said, running her hands over the sensitive skin of my back. “But it’s nothing a little makeup won’t cover, and some of my homemade balm to help fade the scars.”
Her tone was calm, almost playful, as if she wasn’t talking about selling my virginity to the highest bidder. Every time they put me under, I woke up and fought again, but no one would listen. They wouldn’t free me, and they refused to kill me. This nightmare was never-ending, like a revolving door to hell on earth—and I hadn’t even gotten to the worst part.
“Please…you have to help me. I’m not supposed to be here.”
The woman’s rough fingers stopped lathering my hair, and she yanked my head back. “Do you think the girls here volunteered or won some lottery?” Her laugh was cruel. “In a perfect world, honey, no one would be here. Not even me.”
More cold water poured over my head and down my quivering body.
“Magda!” a man’s voice called from the other side of the door, followed by the heavy thumps of his fist. “He’s here.”
“You dumb fuck. No names!” As if his outing her identity had been my fault, she held my face beneath the spray of water until I aspirated and coughed violently.
“Now, come on. Tonight is your night. We have a client withverydeep pockets waiting for you.”