Page 18 of Liberated By Sin
“You didn’t have to come, so I’m thankful you decided to do what was right by my father.”
I snorted a laugh, recalling how he all but begged on the phone. My uncle would turn in his grave if he knew I was signing over Illusion’s ownership to his fuckup of a son. Luckily for Luca, I didn’t give a damn. And Lorenzo was dead.
“So, what do you say? You up for Cambri?” he asked, waving over one of his staff and whispering something into his ear.
The dancer in question was no longer on stage. Lights had dimmed, and employees in scant leather uniforms collected her winnings.
“I’ll pass this time,” I said, taking short puffs from my cigar.
He shook his head incredulously. “Youarestill interested in pussy, right,cugino?”
It was my turn to shake my head in exasperation, eyes drifting back to the vacant stage without a word, choosing to let his comment slide. The glow of red bulbs pulsated as the music shifted to another sultry tune, ready for whomever was scheduled to work the clientèle next.
“You called for me, sir?”
A woman’s voice had my attention, and I didn’t need to see her face or memorize the jewelry on her tits to know it was Cambri. Red wavestumbled over her shoulders, and the scent of vanilla invaded the small space between us. Her dark eyes met mine, and she cracked a jeweled smile as she surveyed my suit and watch.
“I did. My cousin is on the fence about a private with you. You think you can convince him?” Luca relaxed in his chair, a smug grin splitting his face.
Cambri’s fingers traced along my lapels as she slid between my legs and tugged forward. “I’m sure with a little persuasion...”
The voices inside the venue quieted as the rising beat danced around us.
Drawn to the stage, I twisted to find it occupied once again. This time, a taller woman, dressed in a skin-tight black suit with a curtain of dark, long curls falling down her back.
A foreign sensation smoldered inside my chest as I watched her move and work the stage as if she owned it. Like she knew everyone’s eyes were solely on her, following her every whim.
What about this particular woman captivated me, setting her apart from Cambri? I wasn’t sure, though I’d heard there existed a certain caliber of woman who could dominate a man with her eyes, lure him with the swing of her hips, and devour him with venom dripping from her lips.
“Who is she?” I asked, pushing to my feet and nearly toppling over the redhead in front of me.
“Amara,” Luca said with a tightness to his tone that didn’t go unnoticed.
Releasing Cambri, I maneuvered between patrons toward the stage, never once taking my eyes off the woman in the black mask—one partially covering her face and adding to her allure.
There was a moment when she swung around the pole, and I thought we made eye contact. Maybe she felt the fire behind my stare, and it caused her to hesitate…Or perhaps it was all in my head because having her attention was suddenly all I craved. It was then that I reluctantly tore my gaze fromAmara, sweeping the crowd and feeling flames of rage tightening my muscles.
Cambri had drawn the same attention, maybe more, as she’d been fully nude, but irrational as it was, and maybe for the first time, I felt a strange surge of possessiveness over this woman.
“She’s spectacular, isn’t she?” Luca’s hand landed on my shoulder.
“Tell me about her,” I said as my eyes locked onto her toned legs and fluid twirls.
Her name fell like honey from my tongue.
“Papátook her in a few years ago. Started as a waitress. He caught her practicing one day before her shift, and here she is.” He leaned in closer. “She doesn’t accept privates, but I’m sure I can pull my weight and get her for you.Papáhad a soft spot for her and let her call the shots, but now that I’m in charge…Well, I can break her.”
I cut my eyes toward him and shook my head, suddenly curious what his insides would look like if I cracked him open. “That won’t be necessary.”
He laughed and exhaled a sharp, exaggerated breath. “Santino, you are one tough son of a bitch. Even when I dangle pussy as pretty as two of our top dancers, you still won’t budge.” Luca clapped my chest a second time, and I felt the urge to sever his hand from his body.
“Come on, then,” he said, nudging me back toward his office. “Let’s sign these documents so you can be on your way.”