Page 5 of Liberated By Sin
I will have to break you.Those were the last words he’d said before my world caved in on itself.
At the thought of what would come, a soundless sob tore through me. I knew Ronan well enough to understand he didn’t make empty promises. And whatever fresh hell awaited me at the end of this ride was sure to break or kill me.
Without a moment to dwell on my fate, the car suddenly jolted to a stop, and I crashed mercilessly against the rugged interior of what I could only assume to be the trunk. Pain flashed behind my eyes when my head nicked a sharp edge or object with enough force that it had no doubt left a gash. Between the adrenaline and sedatives, it was hard to gauge my injuries. I could be bleeding out and wouldn’t know it.
“Get the girl inside. And remember what he said: no one touches her.” The command came from a gruff voice right outside the trunk. “I’ll be back in the morning. Try to keep that bitch alive. She was bleeding all over my fucking car.”
A second man responded in Russian.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
A sudden rush of cool air followed a loud creak.
I stiffened and held my breath, waiting for him to make a move, but seconds crawled by in suffocating silence.
What the fuck was he waiting for? I could feel his eyes on me andnearly jumped out of my skin when his rough hand fell over my hip. But I managed to keep still and feign unconsciousness.
Until the sudden blaring of a horn caused me to jerk.
“There you are,” he said with a heavy accent.
“Sasha, hurry up and get that bitch from my trunk before I send you the cleaning bill.”
The man chuckled deeply and plucked me up like a rag doll, tossing me over his shoulder.
“Idi na khuy.” Go fuck yourself.
No other words were exchanged between them before the car peeled off, and the sound of screeching tires and burned rubber filled my senses.
“P-p…” I swallowed hard, bracing myself to speak as I fought to find my voice. “Pl-please…” I whispered on a raspy breath. “L-Let me…go.”
The man barked a laugh as we moved swiftly toward some unknown location, grass rustling beneath his feet.
“Even if I wanted to, I can’t do that. Don’t be foolish.”
The slamming of a heavy door and subsequent click of a deadbolt tightened my chest. I knew then that my fate was sealed, and there would be no escape.
“I’m just here to get paid, pretty girl.”
Without warning, he tossed me on a bed and dragged my arms above my head, where he latched my restraints to metal rails.
“Can’t have you trying to run.”
Every second that ticked by brought me closer to a fate worse than death. Like some twisted premonition, I could feel it.
“Open your eyes,” he demanded, ripping off my blindfold so callously that he tore several strands of hair from my scalp. “I want to see if what they say is true.”
I wasn’t sure if it was out of defiance or just the fact the world was now far too bright, but I squeezed them tighter and shook my head as more tears slid from the corners.
“Don’t get bold. Do as I say.”
His large hands gripped my throat, forcing my eyes and mouth open. Another boisterous laugh echoed against the walls of that dank room.
“Kirill wasn’t lying.” The hazy vision of his face neared mine, and a deep crease drew his eyebrows together. “Demon eyes…ved'ma.”
Something in his gaze shifted and darkened, as if whatever shred of humanity that had once lived inside this man was gone now. Ever since childhood, I have been used to the stares and double takes due to my heterochromia and the stark contrast between blue and brown. Yet in my eighteen years of life, no one had ever looked at me the way he was—as if I was no longer a person but an object to be loathed and used.