Page 72 of Liberated By Sin
Those butterflies had wings made of hot embers. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, still in disbelief at what was blooming between us.
The salty night air was breezy but warm, whipping my hair into Santino’s face and catching in his mouth.
“I’m sorry. My curls get a little wild sometimes,” I laughed, gathering them in a bun.
“Leave it. I love it.”
I froze, slowly releasing my hair, and it fell around us.
Reaching for his cheeks, I used my thumb to caress his stubble and flashed him a smile as we walked to the ocean’s edge. He sat and I nestled between his legs, leaning on his chest while his arms curled around me. Being with this man was strangely and unexpectedly easy. Even as fear filled my heart.
Life had shown me that I shouldn’t become complacent when things were good, because fate always caught up, tearing me from every ounceof happiness I had ever known.
“Preziosa, can I ask you something?”
I nodded.
“If I offered you another position here, would you accept?”
Shifting around, I looked up at him, confused. “Why would I need another position?”
“Amara, when you’re on that stage, I want to commit mass murder.”
I opened my mouth in rebuttal, but he held my chin, silencing my words with his thumb. “I need you to understand something. You’re mine now. I don’t want to stop you from doing this if it’s what you love, but I can’t guarantee I’ll hold back. And sooner or later, the feds will come knocking when people walk in but never make it out.”
Despite being blindsided by his admission, I couldn’t help but smile because somehow I knew he wasn’t just being facetious. Did I love shaking my ass on a pole for perverted bastards every night? No, not even a little. But I felt conflicted.
You’re mine now.
His? Was I his?
Was he mine?
And if I gave in to this, what else would I have to give up?
“I’m going to Philly for revenge, Santino. That won’t change.”
“That’s not what I’m asking of you.”
“Do I worry about you? Yes, always. Especially after Tarasov.”
I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled lightly and continued.
“I trust you know what you’re doing. I’m just here to help you reach that goal faster.”
Breaking eye contact, I stared beyond him, tracking the couples walking along the pier. Is that what we were? A couple.
My thoughts drifted back to when he spread me open on the bar and made me come in his mouth. And the unforgettable night I’d let down the walls around my heart. But more than that, his gestures and caring words…
My chest warmed, and I found his beautiful dark eyes again.
“Are you in need of a waitress, Mr. Leone?”
He leaned in and grinned wide against my mouth. “No, but I could use an assistant.”