Page 76 of Liberated By Sin
“Detective.” Santino stepped between us. “Amara was just leaving.I assume you’re here about what happened on the beach.”
His gaze swept our wet clothes and sand-dusted bodies. “Before you leave,” he said, ignoring Santino and peering around his shoulder. “I’d like to ask you a few questions.”
“That won’t be necessary. I can give my statement, and that should suffice.”
“That’s not how this works, Mr. Leone. We may be in your establishment, but being that our victim was an alleged employee of yours and her body was dumped near the property, we must interview all possible witnesses.”
“We saw nothing.”
“That may well be the truth”—he glanced at our disheveled appearances again—“but I must follow protocol. In any case, Miss Carvalho can speak for herself.”
“Of course, I can,” I said, touching Santino’s arm, hoping to ease the tension I felt coiling beneath the surface.
Raymond already had his suspicions where Santino was concerned. It was best to comply and stay off his radar.
Cambri threw her good arm around me the moment she opened the door. The swelling in her face had resolved, and her bruises were still visible, but instead of purple and black, they were yellow and in the final stages of healing.
“How much longer do you have with this?” I asked, pointing to her cast and running a finger where I’d signed my name with a heart.
“Two fucking weeks.”
I placed Phoenix’s crate on the floor and let him loose. “Almost there.”
“Yeah. I’m going stir-crazy.”
Guilt flared inside me. I hadn’t been by nearly enough to see heror help out. That would change when I got back, I promised myself.
“I won’t be in Philadelphia as long as I originally planned. We can have slumber parties when I return.”
Cambri laughed and hauled me to the sofa. “Sounds fun, but unlike me, you still have work.”
I shrugged. “Maybe I don’t.”
Her dark eyes narrowed in confusion. “Elaborate. You quit or something?”
“No, but I won’t be dancing anymore.”
Cambri hadn’t said a word for a good minute after I explained everything that happened between me and Santino. I finally got tired of waiting for a response and shook her back to life by the shoulders.
“Say something. When have you ever been speechless?”
“Not until now,” she said, shaking her head and blinking three times as she flung herself into my arms. “Amara! I’m so mad at you for keeping this from me, but I’m also so fucking happy for you, babe.”
“It’s only been a few days. I’m still processing it all myself.”
“Bullshit! You should have texted me the second it happened.”
I chuckled, surprised by the strength in her one-armed hug.
“Are you okay?” she asked, an easy smile on her lips.
“I am.”
It was my turn to pull her to my chest. Until a few days ago, Cambri was the only other soul who knew what I’d been through. The only one who understood my pain and the reasons why I did what I did. She was my best friend.
My angel.
“Amara, I want all the details.”