Page 98 of Liberated By Sin
I took off running without thinking as emotions pummeled me from every angle. Maybe I’d just imagined it. He couldn’t be here.
But he’d said her name.
“Athena, stop!”
His voice was like a blade to the heart. Part of me wanted to turn around and run to him, but it was too painful. Facing Kai meant facingmy past and facingher.
And she doesn’t deserve to come back. She was too weak. That’s why she’s dead.
I crashed through the front doors, still sprinting, the world in front me of a blur, until I stumbled out of my sandal and nearly hit the floor. Santino’s arms were suddenly around me, hauling me upright.
His eyes darkened, and his jaw tensed at the sight of my tears. “Preziosa, who do I need to kill?”
I closed my eyes and languidly shook my head as more spilled over. But there was no time to explain. The double doors split open, and Kai stepped through with the woman beside him.
Instinctively, I clutched Santino’s shirt, and that was all the reaction he needed. Shoving me behind him, he pulled his gun and aimed it at my brother.
“You better talk fast.”
The woman with Kai, his wife, the one from the portrait, stepped between the two men, her own gun drawn and a fierce scowl on her face.
“You better be faster.”
Kai attempted to drag her out of the line of fire, but she refused to back down from the threat. “Amalia, no,” he said, locking her into a bear hug and shielding her from Santino’s aim.
Security surrounded us, the sound of bullets chambering, and the tension hung as thick in the air as the haze of red lights.
“Athena,” Kai said, his voice softened, blue eyes pleading for me to acknowledge him. He extended his hands and stepped forward. “Please, it’s me.”
I hugged my body, keeping myself together… Keepingherback.
Santino looked between us and waved off his men. “Preziosa, you know him?”
But I didn’t answer. I was lost in a vortex of memories.
“You ever think of leaving this life behind?”
“Someday, blue.”
“Promise me something. If you decide to leave, take us with you.”
“Why? You’d miss me?”
“When Kai and Derek find out what you’ve done, they’ll kill you.”
“Who’s going to tell them?”
“I’m going to break you.”
“Get on your knees and call me sir.”