Page 57 of Deceitful Oath
Pausing in front of a mirrored office building, I check my lipstick and smooth down my hair. A familiar figure catches my attention in the reflection, and I spin around, frozen in place.
Dominic walks out of The Beanery, a half-finished iced coffee in his hand. Our eyes meet across four lanes of midday traffic. My first urge is to run.
Away from him or toward him? I’m not entirely sure.
Then I throw my shoulders back, hold my head up high, and strut across the crosswalk.
My mission today is to get that job, Dominic be damned.
Chapter Twenty-One
It’s only been a week since I’ve seen her in person. One single week.The longest fucking week of my life.
And now, she’s in front of me, smoothing down her hair and getting ready to meet her new boss. Of course, I knew she’d be here. I orchestrated all of this.
Somehow, I’d gone from dismantling Lux Davis’ life brick by brick, to building it back up again.
Somehow. It wasn’t somehow. I was madly head over heels in love with that little fucking ray of sunshine, and I needed to make sure she was safe.
I might not be able to hold her in my arms or kiss the tiny galaxy of freckles across her nose anymore, but I can fix everything.
I can make sure she gets a job that pays her more than a living wage. I can secretly set her up with an apartment in a safe neighborhood.
I can—no, I will—move mountains to make up for what I did to her.
But first, I need to see her. I need to feel the warmth of her smile directed at me again, hear the sound of her tinkling laugh, and hear her rich voice float over me.
The crossing light changes and the swarm of people in front of me surges forward. I lose sight of Lux for a second and start to cross but stop in my tracks. She’s moving right toward me, head held high, shoulders thrown back.
I’m balancing on the edge of a curb, anxiously holding my breath. Our eyes meet as she nears my side of the street and I open my mouth, ready to blurt out the mess in my mind. Her face is impassive, as if I’m any old stranger on the street.
With cool grace and confidence, she brushes past me without a word and slips into The Beanery. I’m frozen to the spot, my mouth opening and closing like a guppy. When people start to give me sideways glances, I force myself forward and cross the street to my car.
I duck inside, slamming the door a little too hard, and slump in my seat. Of course, she wouldn’t want to talk to me.What the hell was I thinking? She’d see me and jump into my arms after I shattered her heart?
Taking a long drag of my coffee, I stare out the window, watching her walk up to the counter to order a drink.
Enzo approaches her, tapping her on the shoulder, and they fall into an easy conversation. I watch like a hawk as he leads her to his table and they settle in for the “interview”.
This has to be truly one of my most brilliant plans. I get to pay her enough money to not worry about finances ever again, keep her safe at all times, and have Enzo report to me about her whenever I need a fix.
I watch her tell Enzo a story, her hands moving around in that typical animated Lux way. Enzo throws his head back andlaughs. I only see the back of her head, but I know she’s shooting him that sunbeam smile of hers.
For a brief moment, irrational rage washes over me. I force myself to relax and breathe deeply.This is good. They’re going to get along. He’s going to keep her safe for me.
I grab my phone and send him a quick message.
>>Make sure she stays after you leave. I need to see her.
He responds almost immediately.
>>How the hell do you want me to do that?
I tell him to make it happen and attach a screenshot of a Lamborghini. I’m not above bribing Enzo with his favorite toys to go above and beyond for me. Slouching in my seat, I sip my coffee and play the waiting game.
After what feels like a lifetime of watching Enzo and Lux genuinely enjoy each other’s company, he stands. She rises to meet him, and they shake hands, grinning at one another. As Enzo moves to walk away, he clumsily trips and sends the rest of his coffee flying.