Page 7 of From Coast to Coast
“Whatever. Hey, you should call me Remy, by the way. My teammates always call me Stone or Stoney, but nobody else does. I’m just Remy.”
I return his grin easily. “All right, just Remy. I’m just Grayson. Or Gray.”
He holds his hand out to shake mine, as though we haven’t already been introduced and spent half the day together. Adopting a serious expression, he gives my hand a firm shake.
“Nice to meet you, Grayson.”
I laugh, and he lets go of my hand. I’ve never, in my life,touched a man with hands that soft. Maybe it has to do with all the saltwater.
“Do you mind if I change and go for a jog? I want to get a lay of the land,” he says, nodding toward the window behind the kitchen sink.
“No, of course not. I’ll be here. I was going to grill burgers for dinner. Are you in? Or I can make you whatever. Or you can make your own.”Or, Gray, you can shut the fuck up. Just because he’s pretty doesn’t mean you need to act stupid.
“Burgers sound great, thank you!” His eyes light up and both sides of his mouth participate in the smile this time. “I’ll handle the cleanup. Full disclosure, I am a terrible fucking cook. Like…I can’t even think of a good metaphor to explain how bad I am. Bottom line is: don’t ingest anything I prepared.”
“Noted. In contrast, I’m an excellent cook. I’ve lived alone pretty much my entire life, so I’ve learned a few things.”
“I am so glad I live here.” He sighs, making me laugh again.Pretty and funny, so that’s great for me. Fuck my life.
“Enjoy your run,” I tell him, and leave him to change even though I’d like to stay and see how much real estate that tan has.
My phone chimes with a text as I’m putting together the burgers. Leaning over, I stare at the message from Zolkov, confused. It’s an app, but I can’t tell what it’s for and Z’s message doesn’t help:so u not lonely.Curious, I wash my hands and pick up my phone. Thirty seconds later, I’m less confused and more annoyed.
I don’t need a dating app.
A. Zolkov
for sex
I don’t need that either.
A. Zolkov
is gay men sex app
Yes, Z, I know what it is.
A. Zolkov
use this picture
“Oh, for the love of…” I mutter as Z sends a picture somebody took of the pair of us in the locker room hallway. We’re in nothing but our underwear; there is a lot of skin on display.
I can’t use that. Everybody in fucking Canada knows who we are, and it doesn’t matter because I’m not making a profile, anyway.
A. Zolkov
like this
Sighing, I close my eyes and rest my hand over my face. Z edited the picture so that he’s cut out and my head cut off. It’s nothing but a picture of my chest, abs, and thighs, at this point.