Page 26 of Daughter of Shadows and Ash
By the time I reached it, the door was shut, and voices within warned against reopening it. Crouching by the metal knob, I listened carefully.
"...Tyrian will ensure the package is delivered at the docks in three days time..."
A few moments of eavesdropping confirmed we had what we needed. I had the name, location, and date for Vanya - mission accomplished. The lively party still called to me, but Ikept my shadows close until I found Lucas beyond the gates. We returned to the manor and delivered the intelligence to Vanya, who promised to inform one of us when she was ready to move. While I retreated to my quarters to shed my frilly attire, Lucas sauntered off in search of tavern mischief.
Chapter 21
The next morning, Lucas practically skipped to our usual table in the dining room. He wasted no time piling his plate high, a Cheshire grin spreading across his face.
"I believe I know something you don't," he teased in between bites.
I peered at him over my mug of coffee, internally sighing with dismay. "I am perfectly fine with not knowing the details about your conquests from the night prior." Lucas loved to find lonely travelers at the local tavern and keep them company. Never for more than one night, always keeping his distance.
He feigned offense, "His name was Ralph and I swear it was over 10 inches!" I shook my head at him while he let out a melodious laugh. "A little birdie told me there's some fun to be had tonight. You in?"
Vanya must be ready to send us out after the intel we gathered. Lucas was grinning like a crazed child about to devour a barrel full of sweets. "Only if you promise to keep your tales about Ralph to yourself."
"I'll make no such promises, how else am I to prevent you from becoming a shrew?"
"Some people are better off alone, Lucas," I rose from my seat, "see you at the gates later?"
He nodded, continuing with his meal as I sauntered out the dining hall doors. It was time to sharpen my blades.
Twilight had settledover the manor when I met Lucas at the gates. He leaned casually against a post, dressed in dark leathers, impatiently flicking one of his knives.
"Took ya long enough," he shoved his blade back in its sheath. "Did you have enough time to primp my lady?"
I swung my hips as I strode past him, pushing my braid behind my shoulder and looking back at him, fluttering my eyelashes. "Why yes, kind sir, I had just enough time to sharpen every blade strapped to me."
"I bow before your deadly grace, my queen."
He swept into an exaggerated bow, flourishing his arm with theatrical grace. "Shall we paint the town red, my lady?"
Our shared mockery dissolved into genuine laughter as we headed toward town, our laughter echoing in the night air.
There was a time when laughter felt like a forgotten language. But Lucas had taught me to speak it again, even if I remained broken inside. Like scattered pieces of a mirror, he helped me find the fragments that still caught the light. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep breathing, to keep moving forward.
Each mission also provided the perfect distraction while I kept my eyes and ears out for Johan. This time would be no different. The intel I gathered had us paying a visit to a humantrafficker named Tyrian. Vanya deemed it was time to pay him a visit before he could deliver his wares to his clients. While we would be busy wrangling him, she had separate teams dealing with the clients and the poor souls who ever crossed paths with Tyrian and his men. By the end of the night, each victim would get sent to a sanctuary or returned to their previous lives. It was the best we could do.
We discussed our plan, our voices low and urgent. Tyrian lived near the square. We'd approach from an alley, where I'd cloak us in shadows. Then, we'd slip in through a window. I'd take the front, Lucas the upper level.
The mission was simple enough, a quiet execution. At least, that's what I was hoping for.
The moon hung high as we slipped into the neighborhood, melting into the alley shadows. Late-night merchants hawked snacks and potions, their hushed voices barely masking sly deals. Despite the hour, the cobblestone streets bustled with life, drunk men and giggling women stumbling past, oblivious to the two assassins lurking in the darkness.
We surveyed the home of our target. An imposing but quaint brick townhome set between four other houses. We'd have to cross the road in order to access the property. The windows along the sides seemed like our best point of entry since trees sat as sentries along the front fence and curved towards the building.
I nodded towards the house and knocked Lucas on the shoulder, "Let's go." I pulled the shadows of the alley towards us, cloaking us in a dark haze. We've done this bit so many times, I didn't even have to chide my partner on following closely behind. Any step out of place would leave him exposed.
I guided us through the darkest areas of the road until we reached the other side, just a house away from where we needed to be. Taking slow steps, we were able to avoid the merchantsand people enjoying the balmy night. From the neighboring yard, we pushed through the line of trees and reached the lower window. With a quick look to ensure no one was looking in our direction, Lucas used his dagger to pry the window open. The sound of the lock breaking was quiet, eerily so. I reminded myself for what felt like the hundredth time not to piss him off. As childish and kind as he can be, beyond that cute face was a man ready to take and kill anything that crossed his path.
We crawled through the window and took stock of area. A long table with a white marbled top took up most of the space with ten carved, white chairs surrounding it. While it's dark in here, the room just beyond the foyer emitted a warm glow and an obnoxious sound ringing throughout the floor. I disbanded my shadows around us. I followed my friend as we crept towards the room. We came to a receiving room, the fireplace lit with Tyrian passed out in a patchy blue armchair facing the flames. The ornate rug below our feet made it easy to cover each step as we snuck behind the unassuming man, Lucas gravitating towards the other side so we could nab him without issue. As I got close enough to start making out his features, his eyes opened wide and I felt the breeze as something whipped out in front of me. Tyrian jumped up onto the cushioned seat, brandishing his weapon…a fucking fire poker.
"I don't remember inviting guests over tonight." His eyes narrowed, flitting between Lucas and I as we pulled daggers into our hands.
"Aw, don't hurt my feelings Tyrian," Lucas cooed, his feet inching him closer, "let's put down the poker and have a nice conversation, yeah?"
"Aniceconversation?!" Tyrian spat, he swiped the poker towards Lucas, causing the man to take a step back to avoid its sharp point. The criminal spun and launched the poker at me as he jumped from his perch. As I pivoted to avoid the flying object,I tried to grab the man before he could escape. He jumped farther than I thought and I barely caught his legs, sending us both crashing to the floor. Lucas tackled him, resulting in the three of us wrestling on the hard floor.