Page 28 of Daughter of Shadows and Ash
My heart thundered against my ribs as his purposeful strides brought him directly to my corner.
Traitor, I chided my racing heart, even as Maël's earlier words about opening my heart echoed mockingly in my mind.
Chapter 23
Of course, it's just my luck that he suddenly appears beside me. I brought my ale to my lips, feigning taking a very long, slow sip. I tried not to think about how devastatingly handsome he was up close. The only man I've ever loved was gone and here I was ogling some stranger in a bar. I fought with myself not to continue staring and instead directed my eyes ahead, surveying the rowdy crowd.
His quick glance shifted to a couple dancing - a guard fresh off duty, based on his uniform, with a redheaded woman in blue. Her rouged cheeks and upswept hair complemented her knowing smile as they twirled, lost in each other. He was too drunk to notice anything but her, while she likely eyed his coin purse for later.
"If he continues to spin her around like that they won't be able to walk straight for days," he said to me, nodding towards the couple dancing.
I all but snorted into my cup, watching them spin endlessly on the floor until I met his gaze. It's unwavering this close, amusement sparkling in his eyes.
"It's refreshing to see love in an old tavern." But I knew better. With this crowd, it was just business - the guard wouldlose his coin, and if the woman played it right, she'd be counting it later. That's how things worked here.
He laughed and brought his full focus on me, "and here I thought you were too busy looking at me from across the room."
I rolled my eyes at him, "I believe you were the one staring at me. I only just noticed."
He shot me a look that was clear he wasn't ashamed to be caught, "The most beautiful woman in the kingdom just walked through this tavern. I was excited she was blessing me with her attention."
I looked up at him, surely he's joking, not even Maël was so bold. I schooled my face, feigning indifference to his pretty words. "I think you must have mistaken me for one of the other ladies in attendance tonight. Surely you'd prefer someone more prim and proper and not half drunk off one tankard." I nodded towards a stunning blonde with waist-length curls smiling brightly as if one of the men around her said something funny. Her breasts pushed beyond gravity with her tight corset while her waist looked about as thick as my leg. "Perhaps her, she certainly appears to be sun blessed."
He followed my gaze for a moment before returning back to me. "Didn't even notice her, and I'm not sure if sun blessed is the term I would use." He took a sip of his ale, "I'm more interested in the woman who looks ready to fight someone." The statement came out so serious that it caused us both to laugh. His laugh was infectious and suddenly my new favorite sound. I could feel a buzz throughout my body, likely the ale. In all my visits here, I'd only spoken to staff, with others keeping their distance. Unsettling. My days were filled with training, reading, and scouting, while nights I became death's shadow. Ready to fight at any moment, I longed to work out my tonight's failure in the training ring.
Always looking to kick someone's ass.Maël's laugh rang throughout my mind.
"Only someone looking for a fight would be enamored with someone they think would be an opponent," I said, "I'm not interested in screwing up your pretty face tonight, but I'm sure Horace over there would oblige." I gestured to a burly fellow at one of the farther tables. Horace was always ready for a fight, and relished in it, but he was a monster of a brute. You did not want to be on the receiving end of his fists.
I needed to leave, I've spoken too much to this man, spent too long here. It was time to report back and make a plan to find my target. "Good luck and be sure to duck quickly." I nodded as I stood to leave. Maybe this man wouldn't be Horace's next victim.
He stood quickly, stopping me from being able to step away. "What's your name?"
I hesitated. I'd said too much already. Friends and relationships weren't part of my plan - everyone close to me ended up dead. No need to add to that list. But how close could you get to someone you just met? I had to admit, he was charming.
"You can call me Lor."
I met his eyes as he smiled as if he was given the world, "Ryn. It's a pleasure to meet you Lor."
Chapter 24
Ryn's presence radiated warmth, like the golden heroes from the pages of my favorite novels.
Ryn was a captain from what he told me, traveling around Sunneva, wherever their orders sent them. I didn't pry much about his work, it was pretty clear from how he skated around the subject and provided vague answers that details weren't on the table. He was a simple man, traveling the kingdom, sleeping under the stars (a particular favorite of his), and in his words "dazzling the world with his amazingness". I couldn't help but giggle as he gave me a sly grin.
"Do you not find me amazing? Did you see this smile?" He pointed to his wide grin.
He forced his smile wider, looking almost manic, making me laugh even harder.
"I didn't quite say that, though your head seems twice as large since I first laid eyes on you." I mused.
"I'll have you know, I have a perfectly proportionally sized head, Love. Mother tells me every time she sees me."
"Oh well, if your mother says so." I took a sip of the ale I've been nursing for the last hour. I could still feel a buzz, I just wasn't sure if it was from my drink or my company.
He finished his drink and surveyed the tavern. Most patrons had left or gone upstairs. Jones cleaned his counter while glaring at Crazy Tom, who ranted about the war, Esmeray, and royal conspiracies. Tom embraced his nickname, even using it when sober - if he ever truly was.
Ryn rested his elbow on the table and propped up his head on his hand, pieces of his blonde hair falling out of the bun atop his head. "You don't seem the type to be interested in spending the night with a stranger."