Page 32 of Daughter of Shadows and Ash
I shook my head and returned her smile, "You know I will. Though I expect your ornery ass to be around for a long time. What does this friend of yours do exactly? Smuggler? It's your creepy diamond dealer isn't it?"
"Evander is not creepy!" She shrieked with delight, "Just lacks good people skills. No, you won't be working for him if that's what you're worried about. I'm sure you'll be thrilled."
I waited for her to grace me with the information I asked for, with a roll of her eyes she scribbled something on the paper before her before handing it over. They're detailed directions. A sly smile stretched across her face.
"You'll report to the bookshop in the square within a few days. Raven's ready for you in the stables, stay on the path heading South. It will take you straight to the capital and if you stay on it you'll find yourself in the center square. There's a big obnoxious statue of the king, there's no way you can miss it."
A bookshop! This was fitting of the dreams I had long ago. "What are these for?" I pointed at the pages she had given me.
"A plan B if you don't listen to me and stray off the path. Ensure you don't need them." She said sternly. "Now go fix that bird's nest you call hair and head out. I expect you to keep me updated, if you find you need anything let Augustus know or myself."
We both stood, clasping hands across the desk. Her eyes filled with pride as she gave me one final once over.
"Thank you." I felt tears threaten to emerge from my eyes. I didn't think leaving, even temporarily, would feel so hard. But this quickly became home, Vanya was like the mother I never got to know.
"Destiny only calls those courageous enough to stare her in the face. You, my dear, are one of the most valiant assassins to ever cross this threshold." With a final squeeze of her hand, she released mine. Standing tall, chin raised, "Hurry along, Augustus is expecting you in a few days and he's got an aversion for tardiness."
I nodded, my legs swiftly guiding me out of the room. I felt distant from my body as I cleaned up and donned fresh clothes and gathered my things. Looking at my bookshelf where I began collecting the books I always longed for, I grabbed my old favorite, the one I carried with me from the village. My eyescaught the blue leather of the history book gifted to me by that kind old man long ago. I never got around to reading it, history was never my favorite subject, opting for romances and tales of adventure. I picked it up and added it to my pack, maybe it will help while I'm in a place filled with Sunneva's history. Finding myself content, I left Logan a note on his door, promising to write once I arrived. As I headed towards the stables, I couldn't help but hold my head high. Johan may have gotten away from me, but I was ready for a hunt. He just didn't know he was the deer.
Chapter 26
Iheed Vanya's words and stick to the main road leading out of Bridgedale, heading south towards the capital. I recalled my journey from my former village to the little towns I spent my time simply surviving in. The memories weighed heavy in my chest, each step forward a reminder of how far I'd come from those desperate days. Then that final journey to Bridgedale. I skulked through the woods, trying not to attract any attention, afraid of robbers or worse. Now, I rode with my head held high.
Raven, my trusty companion, was happy to be out of the stable. When I found us alone, I would pull shadows to us, practicing covering myself plus an extension. Raven didn't seem to mind when the inky tendrils surrounded him, it was like he felt at one with the darkness. Or maybe he enjoyed the extra treats I gave him throughout the day. Either way, the day Vanya had gifted him to me was one of the happiest since finding the guild. My soul had found a kindred spirit in the animal and he seemed to have agreed the same for him.
One night, I lit a fire and created a wall of shadow around us. The power thrummed through my veins like liquid night. Testing my limits, I stretched the shadows to cover just my steed. The firelight transformed him into somethingotherworldly, rising from the dark depths of hell, the shadows giving him a dark ethereal presence, tendrils leeching out from him like a black flame. Even without shadow magic, my mount was magnificent, but the sight of him made me awestruck. Together, we were creatures of darkness and shadow.
In these quiet moments, I sensed Raven understood me in ways no human ever had. He wasn't just accepting my shadows; he was embracing them, becoming one with them, as if the magic had woven an unbreakable thread between our souls. Each time the darkness enveloped him, his trust in me grew stronger, and with it, my confidence in wielding this newfound power. We were no longer just rider and mount, but partners in this dance of shadow and night.
The shadow barrier held through the night, but exhaustion dragged at my bones until I could barely stay upright. Raven's steady gait seemed to stretch time like molasses. The world blurred at the edges, my muscles trembling with each league we covered, while shadows seemed to dance mockingly at the corners of my vision.
Epherinia loomed just a day's ride away. I should have been thrilled. A life among endless shelves of books awaited me—a dream I'd barely dared to imagine. But my thoughts betrayed me, always circling back to Ryn, of the life I had allowed myself to desire even just for a moment. Gods, I had no right to miss him. I barely knew him. That morning had proven just how little I truly meant to him. I'd been naive to think the pull I felt was mutual. Even now, my heart ached from the separation, a physical pain that twisted in my chest like a dagger, making each breath a reminder of his absence.
"Pull yourself together," I muttered. Raven snorted in response, making it clear he thought I was being ridiculous while he remained the picture of perfection.
You're far from losing your mind, little hunter.The voice was warm and familiar, wrapping around my mind like a tender embrace, sending shivers down my spine. Maël's presence, even just in my thoughts, made my heart stutter.
Everything I thought I knew about myself is slipping away.
You're stronger than you know, Alora. This is just another step in your journey.
I stroked his neck and led him to the edge for a drink and knelt to refresh myself. The icy water soothed my overtaxed body and mind. I leaned back, fingers digging into soft grass, face turned skyward as if the sun could burn away my exhaustion.
A sniffle to my right caused me to whirl toward the bushes. My eyes narrowed as I caught a shift in the light. Something was in there. A whimper came from it this time as I stood. My fingers found the hilt of my blade. Those sounds were too human to be an animal, but could signal a trap. Even Raven seemed to go tense and silent as I took slow measured steps towards the bush. Once I came upon it, I looked over the top to see a little face peeking up at me. Dirt-streaked cheeks and tangled blonde hair greeted my eyes.
"What are you doing out here?" I asked, keeping my voice gentle.
The boy startled, his green eyes wide with fear as he scrambled backward from his leafy sanctuary.
"Please don't hurt me!" he cried, his voice trembling.
I shook my head. "I won't hurt you, little one. Are you alone? Where are your parents?"
He rose, wringing his small hands. Despite his dirt-streaked face and tangled hair, his clothes were pristine save for the mud caking his shoes.
"They don't know I'm here. I was playing with Billy," he sniffled, fighting back tears. "A-and I got lost. Please, I just want to go home."
My heart ached for him. Another lost child in the wilderness, like so many tragic stories I'd heard before.