Page 35 of Daughter of Shadows and Ash
"Would you rather I scowl and throw a dagger at them? That can be easily arranged, and frankly preferred since I'd have more time to read."
Though lacking Vanya's grandeur, his presence commanded the same respect as he settled into his wooden chair. "You can't blame them for being curious about a new face in town. Back then, every suitor came bearing flowers."
"I can blame them," I said, jaw clenched. "I'm not interested in anything other than what I came here to do." The weight of my mission pressed against my chest, but curiosity softened my voice. "Is that how you met your wife? By bringing her a rose?"
"No, no," he said, a ghost of a smile playing at his lips, "I brought her a sunflower," he said, pride warming his voice. "I spoke to her sister and found out they were her favorite."
"How many sunflowers did she receive?"
"One," he said softly, lost in the memory. "No one else thought to ask." His voice cracked slightly as he looked down at his desk, busying his hands with the papers.
Chapter 28
"Remember, in and out. Do whatever the mage asks of you. Stay quiet, and for gods' sake, do not get snarky with them." Augustus urged me along the path towards the palace.
"Act like a mute, obedient damsel who doesn't have a single thought of her own, got it." The comment earned me a sharp look from the old man.
Every man's fantasy.
Oh, is that what you pictured when you thought of me as a wife?
No, I knew what I was getting myself into, you are more than enough as you are.
"This would be much easier if you were actually mute."
"You know, I could have come myself. You didn't need to close the shop for the day."
"The butcher's shop is literally two blocks from the shop." He peered at me over the rim of his glasses.
I rolled my eyes. So I got a little turned around after taking a detour? I always tried to get in some scouting during my errands, plus I still made it back.
As we approached the massive doors of the gilded palace, I took in the front gardens. The grounds sprawled before us, meticulously maintained and adorned with a sun on practically every surface.
Augustus presented our names to the guards flanking the entrance, and they waved us through.
"Ah, perfect timing! Come along, their majesties await." Shefferd bustled us through the grand hall past the open doors before us. "What was your name again?"
"Alora," I replied.
My heart stuttered in my chest as my gaze collided with familiar blue eyes. Ryn. Raw surprise flashed across his features before anger darkened his expression. His jaw clenched, the muscles working beneath sun-kissed skin as his fingers dug into the gilded throne arms. The air grew thick with tension, charged with unspoken accusations and hurt.
I scanned the room as we approached the dais where a small crowd had gathered. I recognized almost no one, but I did spot the two women who came to the shop. My stomach twisted at their presence, a bitter reminder of how this mess began.
Surely the royal family had more pressing matters than watching some shopkeeper's niece perform a magical test. Something wasn't adding up. The pieces of this puzzle refused to align.
Beside the queen sat another prince on a smaller throne. His cheeks flushed as he studied his hands. Davian mirrored his mother's features perfectly, now that I saw them together. He glanced up, catching my gaze with a half-smile before returning to his carefully maintained invisibility. No wonder the guard had been so eager to return him home—he wasn't just some lost village boy after all. The queen would have razed the realm to the ground to bring her son home.
"Your Grace," Shefferd cleared his throat. "I present to you Augustus Denarius and his niece Alora. They have come to complete the assessment."
The king nodded then movement stirred from the right of the dais. An old woman stepped forward, a crystal orb held in her hands. Her sleek white hair was intricately woven around a crystal headdress, equally white eyes stared at me, they might even have been looking through me.
"I am Elvirana, Royal Mage of the Crown. I stand before you today to test your power. A tale from long ago has foretold of a powerful match for our kingdom. May we find the sun blessed match to bring victory to Sunneva." The small crowd erupted in cheers at the thought of the end of the war. She held the orb towards me. I looked to Augustus who had a masked expression, silently urging me to get this over with so we could return to our normal routine. "Place your hands on the orb girl. Show me your power."
I looked at the crystal sphere before me. It didn't appear threatening. Those eery white eyes along with everyone else stared at me. The king and queen looked annoyed at my hesitance. Ryn still glared daggers at me. It was tempting to launch one of the daggers sheathed in my leggings at his stupid handsome face, but I had promised Augustus I would behave.
I took a deep breath and placed my hand on the orb. At first, it was cool to the touch as my fingertips made contact. Once my full palm lay flat on its surface, a heat began to build, pulsing from it, up my arm, and into my chest. A pulse matched my heartbeat. For a moment, I was no longer in the throne room but in the woods just outside my childhood village. My grandmother walked before me, chanting words I did not recognize.
"Runerth must be found...may the starlight bless you...peace will come when a Satori sits on a throne of stars..."