Page 40 of A Crown of Fates
The word feels like an anchor, pulling me back from the edge. Though I can’t be certain Estee is truly ready to accept all of me yet, and I don’t fault her for that. What matters most is that she’s here and not running.
I kiss her again, slower this time, savoring the moment, the promise of what’s to come. And as we pull apart, I squeeze her fingers lightly. “Go back to Isla and Asher. Do whatever you need to do. Just know I’ll do whatever it takes to beat Orix. I’ll give up the crown and everything I have—except you—as long as it means he can’t interfere in our lives.”
“I know.” She gives me another of those radiant smiles then turns without another word, presumably to go back to my office.
I watch her walk away, captivated by the slight sway of her hips, the way her long hair falls in soft waves down her back, and how she holds her head up like the queen I hope she’ll be one day.
Estee is everything—much more than I deserve—and I’m going to fight for her with all I have and then some.
Orix may think I’m weak, but he’s about to learn just how wrong he is.
Walking back into the office feels like slamming my face into a brick wall. Isla and Asher are standing as if they’re ready to leave, and that’s the last thing I need right now.
“What’s wrong?” My gaze fixes on my sister, a demand in my voice I can’t hold back.
She hesitates. “We have to go.”
I close my eyes, inhaling deeply to brace myself then look at her again, hoping for some way to change her mind. “Why?”
“Jerome came by while you were looking for Theo,” Asher says, his expression grim and a deep crease between his brows. “We received a call from Malimorte. There’s been a threat against our kingdom—against Isla, specifically. I have to get her back and keep her safe. As much as we want to stay and help you, being here leaves Polaris vulnerable.”
“What kind of threat?” I ask, my tone sharper than I intend, but the idea of someone targeting Isla sends a surge of protective fury through me, especially as she remains much too still beside Asher.
The two of them share a look, and she nods just before he answers. “Pictures of Isla were delivered to the castle, includingones of us getting on the ship, with a note stating they’re watching her every move, can find her anywhere, and it’s only a matter of time before they do.”
My stomach roils, and I close the distance between me and Isla, wrapping my arms around her. As much as I need her, my sister’s safety will always come first. “I’m so sorry. Don’t worry about me here. I can handle a pesky god. Everything will be just fine.”
She nods over my shoulder but doesn’t speak out loud.“I want to be here for you, I swear. I wouldn’t have come all this way to tease you, but the pictures…there were private ones, ones nobody should’ve been able to take.”
I shudder, trying to imagine how she feels having her privacy violated like that, but the more I let my imagination run wild, the more worked up I get on her behalf.
“Go home, find the bastard, and cut his balls off.”I pull back, forcing a smile before I glance at Asher. “I’ll figure this out. Just take care of my sister.”
“Once we’re home and I’ve cleared the castle myself, I’ll reach out to Aurora as planned,” he replies. “In the meantime, lie low and stay in contact with Malimorte. He’ll relay everything to me when we return. The most important part is keeping an eye on Theo to make sure he doesn’t do something he’s not supposed to.”
“Of course.” I step back, hating that they have to leave already, but more than that, I appreciate that they’ve come all this way.
Asher’s arm wraps around Isla as she continues to stay silent. “I told Jerome that if he wasn’t sure about something, to ask me instead of Theo, assuming the king’s on board with leaving himself in the dark. I’ve also suggested that he reach out to the queen of Alcaris. Sloane might be willing to come here and assist.”
I tilt my head. “Why not King Aeson? Don’t get me wrong. I like Sloane, but doesn’t Aeson have more combat experience?”
“He does,” Asher says. “But that isn’t what we’re looking for unless Aurora says otherwise. We need someone who can think outside the box. Sloane’s kingdom has been dying for decades, but she’s somehow made her land survive much longer than any of us predicted. Plus, I trust her more than Aeson.”
“Fair point.” I go to Isla again. Her face is pale and her stare distant. I squeeze her shoulders. “I’ll come see you just as soon as things are sorted here. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she says, but doesn’t meet my gaze.
I look up at Asher, glad to still have my pack connection to him, so she doesn’t have to hear what I’m about to say.“I know you’ll protect my sister with your life, so I won’t bother threatening you, but if anything happens to her, I will be out for blood. One tiny scratch on her, and I’ll murder this son of a bitch. And if those pictures get out? Asher…”
“I know.”
I have no doubt he does. We both love Isla more than anything else in the world. Just in different ways. If I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t be letting her out of my sight right now.
“We’ll talk soon.” I hug Asher, grateful to have him as part of my family. “Tell Mom and Dad that I love them and I’ll see them soon.”