Page 64 of A Crown of Fates
By the time I come out of my trance, we’re alone again, and Theo kisses my forehead. “Do you need anything before we go? Food, water, rest?”
He’s always thinking about my needs and while I know that’s nothing to complain about, it’s harder to accept than I thought it would be.
I’ve spent so long relying only on myself that the thought of depending on anyone sends a tendril of panic through me. Yet, the moment I refocus on our bond, I know there’s no one I’ll ever be safer with.
“As long as I have you, there’s nothing else I need,” I tell him sincerely. “And you? Do you need to grab your crown or change before making your speech?”
He frowns, considering my words. “If I’m addressing them as their king, I should look the part, right?”
I squeeze his hand. “It’s not the crown or the clothes that make you a king, Theo. It’s the way you hold yourself, thecompassion in your words, and the honest intent in your eyes. But if proper protocol calls for it…”
“Then that’s what I’ll do.” He grins, more confident than I’ve ever seen him.
“That’s whatwe’lldo,” I say, pulling him toward our bedroom. “We’re in this together.”
His light laughter settles over me. “Is it bad that we’re getting more dressed up for a pack meeting than we did for our bonding ceremony?”
“Not at all,” I reply, going to the closet. There’s a silver gown that will be perfect for the meeting. “That was for us. This is for the people of Selaris. We got what we needed. Now, it’s their turn.”
He nods, his smile softening. “Yes, it is.”
As he pulls out clothes, brushing lightly against my back in our now-shared closet and sending love through our bond, I have no doubt that today is the start of something extraordinary—not just for us, but for the kingdom I now call home.
Not even an hour later,we’re standing before the pack. Over two hundred shifters fill the hall, their voices hushed, their anticipation palpable. Despite the circumstances, there isn’t a single trace of animosity in the air when Theo and I step onto the stage.
The room buzzes with anticipation, their murmurs fading into silence as Theo takes his place with me beside him. The air is charged, thick with unspoken emotions, but Theo stands tall, his presence commanding.
He looks every bit the king he was meant to be, wearing his crown and a tailored suit. His grey tunic covers his shoulders,every stitch and seam perfectly sewn. The maroon sash across his chest is adorned with medals and there isn’t a hair on his head out of place.
Before he speaks, he reaches for me, our fingers twisting together as a steady flow of assurance passes between us.
“Thank you all for joining us tonight,” Theo begins, his voice booming through the hall, resonating with strength and sincerity. “For too long, I’ve been an absent king. I know the efforts I’ve made over the last few weeks don’t erase the years of neglect, but I hope you will see that every decision I make moving forward is with you—the heart of Selaris—in mind.”
He pauses, scanning the room as if waiting for someone to challenge him. But the pack remains silent, their focus unwavering.
“As many of you already know, Estee was kidnapped, but what you don’t know is why, and I believe it’s time I finally told you the truth.”
“Theo,” I warn him. My first thought is that he’s about to tell them how he became king, but he does exactly what he should. He remains honest without giving them the details that can no longer be changed.
“I was not chosen bythegods to be your king. I was chosen by just one of them—a being I thought was an ally but have since learned his intentions are anything but noble.” He looks down at me, smiling brightly before turning his attention back to the people. “I lacked the strength and motivation to fight him as I should have, and I sincerely apologize for that, but that all changed the moment I met this incredible woman.
“Estee and I held a private ceremony today where the gods blessed our bond, forging us into one. I know it’s something the pack normally bears witness to, but we needed this for us, and we hope you understand and respect our decision—one madewith the kingdom in mind, because with Estee by my side, we’re going to be stronger than ever.”
Murmurs move through the room, and I tense, part of me expecting some sort of outburst, but as the voices get louder, the cheers begin. They throw flowers onto the platform we stand on and chant for their king and queen.
My heart swells, not in the way it does for Theo, but for these people, who will soon become my responsibility. Each one, young and old, will need our care and respect, and providing that to them might be the greatest purpose in all my lives, including the ones I’ve yet to live.
Theo raises his hands then lowers them slowly, signaling for the pack to quiet. A pulse vibrates through the room even when the voices subside. One that has my wolf ready to break free and run with her people.
“I’ve said my piece,”Theo’s voice sounds in my mind.“It’s your turn. They want to hear from their queen.”
I expect my stomach to churn or my palms to sweat, but as I stare out over the crowd, there’s nothing but gratitude flowing through me.
“Thank you for your kindness and understanding,” I tell them first, knowing they still have every right to be furious. “Since arriving here, Selaris has pulled me in and found a special place within my heart, giving me a new home. I promise to bring only joy to our kingdom, and as our first step toward unity, I’d like to start with a pack run.”
The crowd’s renewed excitement buzzes through the hall, encouraging me to continue.
“Tonight, the skies may not be filled with the full moons of Lunara, but we can fill them with our howls of strength. We will run beneath the stars and show not only ourselves, but the world that we are stronger together.”