Page 7 of Dublin Brute
The simple question unlocks a torrent of emotions. Until tonight, I would’ve said being back in Ireland felt like coming home. Now…
Garda officers are on scene, stringing up yellow boundary tape as paramedics stride past me, pushing a stretcher. Onlookers are ebbing out of the pub in waves, gathering on the sidewalk. There’s a buzz in the air, but it isn’t at all the same as it was when I left the theater arm-in-arm with Tanya.
Hot tears blur my vision as another rush of anguish hits. A groan escapes my chest, and I can’t seem to stop it.
“It’s okay,” he whispers. “This is the worst part. You’ll get through it.”
I don’t see how.
Brendan squeezes my hand and waves a constable over. “Nora, this is Constable Dani Briggs. She’s going to need your statement, and then we’ll get you home.”
The female officer gives Brendan a look and then meets me with a smile. “Are either of you hurt? Do you need to be checked out or go to the hospital?”
Brendan shakes his head. “No, we’re fine. Unless Nora got hurt when I tackled her to the ground. I likely owe you a comfort basket by way of an apology. You’ll be sore tomorrow.”
I wave his concern away. “I’m alive. You have nothing to apologize for.”
The officer looks at Brendan. “Were the two of you here together when the shooting started?”
Brendan fields that question and I’m thankful because my mind is still chugging along like it’s stuck in thick sludge. “No. We met when the bullets started flying.”
The constable turns to me with a kind smile. “Then I’ll need to get a statement from you, privately. Are you up for a few questions?”
I draw a deep breath. “Of course.”
She meets Brendan’s gaze and arches a blonde brow. “If you’ll excuse us? I’ll get your statement once we’re done.”
Brendan nods and flashes me a wink. “I’ll just be over there. Holler if you need anything.” He gives my hand one last reassuring squeeze before melting back into the chaos.
I leave the blonde beauty to give her statement to Dani and join Kieran. Seeing the dead girl on the ground and another half-dozen bleeding innocents being tended to has my fists clenched, aching to punish whoever is behind this.
Tag is going to lose his ever-loving mind.
Sean won’t take it much better.
My fury is barely contained beneath the surface as I take in our informant. Petey is down and in a bad way. The paramedics are focused and working full tilt, to stabilize the kid.
Stepping to the side, I square my shoulders and glare at Kieran. “What the fuck happened? Did you have any idea this was a possibility?”
Kieran meets my scowl with his own. “Not a fucking clue. Petey said he had something important, and we needed to meet.I was finishing my smoke, and the next thing I know, bullets were raining down.”
“Did you at least get to talk to him about what he wanted to tell you?”
“No. The lead started flying before we even said hello.”
I study the darkness across the road, squinting as I search for answers. “Where did the shots come from?”
Kieran follows my gaze, his expression hardening. “It could’ve been from anywhere: a unit in one of those buildings, a rooftop, or even from a passing vehicle.”
“Do you think this is the McGuires or Gravely on his own? If rumors hold true, he’s planning on taking his half-ownership of the McGuire territory and running it with or without the approval of Niall and the McGuires.”
Kieran shrugs. “The shit we don’t know could fill a tanker.”
Ain’t that the truth?
I scan the scene and curse the McGuires. We coexisted for decades with minimal spillover of violence. Then Da goes and dies on us and the fucking McGuires start pushing the limits and forfeiting our agreements.