Page 14 of Sugar Baby
The answer comes swiftly: No.
Nothing is going to get between me and that kind of cash.
I reopen the app and type my response. I’m glad I was serious with them, but at the same time, I want to bring the flirty tone back.
SugarBB_Emmy:Thank you. And I promise to speak up if I am feeling uncomfortable at any stage. Limits, right? I read about those last night.
SugarBB_Emmy:Hypothetically, if a sugar baby would like the daddy of an invitation to actually make the described date happen, what would the sugar baby need to do? Asking for a friend *smirky face*
My message turns toreadinstantly, and I imagine four grown-ass men, sitting nervously while waiting for a response from an eighteen-year-old girl. The image makes me smile. I wonder if any of their baby girls have ever managed to wrap them around their fingers.
Brat4Us:Yes, those are limits. And hypothetically, if a sugar baby was interested in meeting up with a daddy from an invitation, they would definitely need to discuss limits. Any daddy who doesn’t set boundaries for his baby girl is a daddy asking for trouble.
Brat4Us:If a sugar baby wanted to have a date with us, all she would need to do is tell us that she wants to play together in person. We would make arrangements for a hotel room for the evening and provide her with the details.
I don’t even hesitate. I want this. I want to have this one night with them. In the back of my mind, a voice screams that I don’t even know their names. We haven’t shared pictures of our faces. What if they hit every branch on their way down the ugly tree?
But I slam the door on that voice. Most of the men who have used my body in the past haven’t exactly been walking Gucci advertisements. Usually, severely underweight from more than recreational use of drugs or the complete opposite, with beer guts that hang over the buckle of their pants so badly that I wondered how they would actually get it in. Not to mention the complete and utter lack of hygiene. Fucking, ew.
With effort, I shove those memories from my mind and focus on my current situation.
SugarBB_Emmy:Daddies, I would like to play in person.
Again, instantly read. I kind of wish I could just give them my number and we could talk over the phone.
I pause. Why can’t we do that? In all seriousness, I’m not tied to this phone number. The only person who has it is Tray. And Oakley, but she can be easily updated. And to be honest, it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to cut off Tray.
Brat4Us:Thank you, Emmy. We will get something organized and let you know the details. Are there any nights you are not free?
Brat4Us:We would also like to continue to chat with you, is that okay? Limits, boundaries. They are there to protect us as much as they are there to protect you.
I slip back onto the chair that I’d sat at while eating my breakfast. Limits and boundaries. I didn’t lie earlier. Limits are something I looked up on Urban Dictionary. Apparently, there are two kinds of limits: hard and soft.
Soft limits appear to be the kind that you aren’t one-hundred-percent excited about, but given the right person and situation, you could be persuaded to give it a try.
Compared to a hard limit, which is a firm no, end scene.
SugarBB_Emmy:Tonight works best for me.
I bite my lip. Blatant, sure. But also, I don’t really want to admit to being free every night for the rest of my life. That sounds ten out of ten lame.
SugarBB_Emmy:Definitely happy to discuss limits. I’m not sure that I have any.
I want to ask for their names, even if they are fake names, just so that I have a way to differentiate between them. Not that Iknow which one I’m chatting with right now. Is asking for their names okay?
No one has ever called me Emmy before, so it’s as good as a fake one for now.
Okay, so what? Photos. Names. Limits.
My phone vibrates in my hand and I jolt, almost dropping it.
Brat4Us:Everyone has limits, Emmy. You just haven’t found yours yet.
I raise an eyebrow. I suppose that could be true.
SugarBB_Emmy:Do you think you can help me find out what my limits are?
Brat4Us:We’re counting on it.