Page 26 of Sugar Baby
“Hey, Ems, how was shopping?”
I jerk in my seat, hand flying to my chest as I turn around. “Fuck, you scared the shit out of me.”
Oakley shrugs. “Sorry? I wasn’t exactly quiet. What’s on your phone that has you so distracted?”
Buying myself time to answer, I stuff the phone into my pocket and clean up my mess from lunch. Should I tell Oakley my plans? We’ve lived together for a few days now, but up until yesterday, we’ve barely spoken.
If she reacts like a judgy bitch, then that’s going to make us living together for the next nine months really fucking awkward.
But when I would do this type of thing for Tray, he would always be around if I needed him. Usually in the next room. I’d be busy with the man for ten minutes while he waited on the couch, and then when it was all over, we’d go out and get burgers or ice cream. Sometimes, he’d even buy me little gifts afterward.
All very similar to my plans for tonight.
But this is the last time. This will set me up for the rest of the year, especially if I supplement with a part-time job. It’s my chance to actually make my life happen the way I want it to, rather than just letting the rest of the world use me.
Decision made. The added layer of security from telling Oakley is worth the potential of having a pissy roommate. This way, Iwon’t leave the cops with zero leads if my dates chop me into pieces.
Not that they would expend much energy on a nobody orphan like me.
“I was thinking about the daddies I’m meeting tonight.”
Nothing like ripping off the Band-Aid. And Oakley is quick too; she doesn’t miss the plural.
“Daddies? Do you have more than one date tonight? Are they all on the phone?” she asks as she peels the skin off a banana.
“Uh, no. One date. Multiple daddies. In person.” I refuse to blush over this. I’m not embarrassed. I’m just being efficient. And only putting myself through this one time.
The silence from the kitchen feels like a vise around my neck, slowly squeezing in an attempt to produce more words. I don’t give them. I know not to. More words just lead to deeper holes and darker rooms.
Two chicks are getting into it on the TV, fake nails clawing at each other while stupidly long hair extensions are torn out. The noise of the bitch fight almost covers the quiet steps as Oakley comes to slip into the empty spot on the couch beside me.
I prepare myself for the lecture on safety and consent and not being taken advantage of and the potential threats and issues with this type of date.
But that’s not what I get.
Oakley whistles, a long, drawn-out sound. “Way to jump into the deep end. I take it this is the red box that has been absent all day?”
I turn to her with an eyebrow cocked. “How do you know it’s gone? I thought you stuck to the tamer date types?”
Oakley shrugs and takes a bite of her banana. “The forums have been buzzing all day.”
Not sure how to feel about that. “What type of buzzing?”
“Just curiosity about whether the account is going dark or if someone finally accepted the date. Apparently the date has been up there for a while. A few babies have chatted to them, but didn’t really make it past chatting.”
I scoop up another bite of food and stuff it in my mouth, before pointing my fork at her. “You can’t say anything. I don’t want my business being blasted all over the internet. Also, the invites disappear?”
She mimes zipping her lips. “Yeah, when the daddy—or daddies—accept the sugar baby’s request.”
Nodding, I reach for my glass of water and take a sip, not really sure what else to say.
“From memory, that invite also included role-play—specifically, baby girl. Do you know what that is?”
Her voice is light, no hint of how she feels about it. Which is good, because I don’t need her opinions on this. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, but no one wants to see them.
“Yeah, I do, now. I had to do a search about it. Seems pretty straightforward. They want to call me their baby girl and for me to call them Daddy. I need to act younger, be sweet and a little bratty.” I shrug, trying to remain unaffected by my own words, even though my stomach is acting like I chugged a bottle of soda. “It’s only for a couple of hours, and if I’m careful with the money, I’ll be set for the rest of the year.”
Oakley is gnawing on her lip when I glance at her.