Page 59 of Sugar Baby
Done with me.
A tsunami of despair crashes over my head, stealing my breath and locking up my throat. The glowy, floaty feeling draws away like a bubble bath down a drain, and I can’t catch my breath.
They’re done with me.
It’s over.
A snarky voice in the back of my head is sneering at me.
Why the fuck are you being so goddamn emotional? This is exactly what you wanted. For them to fuck and run. They can drop the cash on their way out the door.
Tears burn the back of my throat, and nausea threatens to overtake me.
I open my mouth to tell them, but I still don’t know their fucking names.
Whimpering, I force my eyes open and address them by the only name I have for them. “Daddy?”
The pillow-turned-man jostles me until we can make eye contact. Hazel eyes framed by frowning features stare down at me, and I whimper again, slinking farther back into his arms. Tears prickle at the corners of my eyes.
Oh, god. I’m going to cry.
In front of them.
Hunter’s eyebrows raise in concern, and one of the steel bands uncurls from around me. He runs his fingertips across my forehead so lightly that I barely feel it. Not once does he break eye contact with me as he slowly traces a line through my hair to the back of my ear, where he tucks the strands he has gathered.
“Shh, Emmy, you’re okay.” His voice is quiet and smooth, like honey left to sit in the sun. “Would you like some water?
Movement in my periphery steals my attention away from Hunter.
Daddy is standing there in his underwear, bare chest on display. I didn’t have much of a chance to get a good look at anyof them, but for an old guy, this one is in good shape. He has a hint of a six pack, and his pecs are defined.
When I do nothing but stare and blink at him, he slowly approaches the bed and sits on the edge, hiding his body from me as he offers me the glass. “Baby, you need to rehydrate. We don’t want you to experience a drop. Will you let us take care of you one more time?”
Instantly, I clench my thighs together, because, fuck, I don’t think I can let them have me again, even if I wanted to. Which I totally don’t. Tonight was a one-time thing. One night. No repeats.
Daddy chuckles and reaches forward with his free hand, tugging at the blankets near my waist. “No, not like that. Will you let us help you get cleaned up and settled? Were you planning on spending the night here or going home?”
Once he has the blanket loosened enough, he slips his hand beneath the soft fabric. Daddy’s fingers graze along my forearm until he finds my hand, slowly pulling it out of the warm cocoon, then pressing the cool glass into my palm.
I shake my head. “Going home.”
Smiling, he tips his head toward my glass. “Drink.”
Instantly, I comply and take a sip before trying to sit up a little straighter. Hunter flexes beneath me, and then I am being lifted until I am sitting upright on his lap, the skin of my back against the skin of his chest, and somehow the blanket continues to shield my body from them.
My gaze darts back up to Daddy, who seems to be holding in a laugh. “Huh?”
His lips twist in a grin. “Will you let us help you clean up? Can we take care of you until you feel like yourself again?”
Oh, right, that.
There is a coughed laugh from the other side of the room, and I snap my head in that direction. Viper’s fist is covering his mouth, but there are wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He lowers his hand, and for the first time, I see his amazing smile.
He could be in a dental ad for perfectly white teeth.
I sigh and snuggle back into Hunter, glass clutched between my hands.