Page 35 of Facial Recognition
Brooks became awfully interested in the tiled floor before he mumbled, “He wrapped his arms around me and told me I should never be afraid to come to him. It didn’t matter what I had done, his arms would always be wide open for me.”
“He meant that.” I got a little choked up.
Brooks tipped his head up. “What if I don’t need or want to be in his arms?”
I stepped closer to Brooks. “If that were the case, you wouldn’t be having such a hard time walking in there. Maybe it’s time to take the first step. No one will think less of you. Certainly not me.”
“I can’t let him destroy my world again,” he whispered.
“Brooks, you might not like me saying this, but I don’t think your world ever got put back together.”
He opened his mouth, I’m sure to disagree.
I placed my finger on his lips. “Shhh. Don’t ruin the moment.” I smirked. “Trust your old friend. Not that I’m old, but you know what I mean. Now let’s go see your daddy.” I dropped my hand and shook off the feel of his lips. I was in way over my head. I opened the door, but before I could walk in, Brooks unexpectedly kissed my cheek. “Thanks, old friend.”
For that I elbowed him in the gut. It felt like old times.
“Ugh,” he groaned and grabbed his stomach. “You pack a punch now.”
“Make sure you don’t forget it.” I stepped into Tom’s room. It smelled of antiseptic and his turkey bacon and egg whites breakfast. It was certainly healthier than chocolate donut holes and Diet Pepsi.
Tom was sitting up in his bed, his tray of food in front of him. He had hardly touched it. I knew he was anxious to see Brooks.
I kissed his mangy head. “I think at this point we are going to have to go for the man bun.”
Tom chuckled. “How are . . . you, G . . . Gracie girl?” His words were a bit stilted, yet he got them all out.
“I’m good. I brought someone to see you.”
Brooks stepped closer, his Adam’s apple bobbing furiously.
Tom took my hand and squeezed it, tears forming in his eyes. “Hi . . . hi, son,” his voice cracked.
“Tom,” Brooks replied.
I narrowed my eyes at Brooks but kept my mouth shut. He was here. I would at least give him credit for that, though it had Tom hanging his head a bit. Yet he still managed a small smile for his son.
“It’s g . . . good of you . . . you . . . to come,” Tom said. “Please have a s . . . s . . . seat.”
Brooks took the couch farthest from us and sat so stiffly he looked like a wax figure.
I sat on the edge of Tom’s bed, keeping a hold of his hand.
Neither man seemed to know what to say, so it was up to me. “Carly texted me and wanted me to give you both her love. She said she’ll call when she lands in Burbank.”
Both men nodded. The silence stretched.
I guessed I was going to need to up my game. “Oh, and I’m thinking about moving to Vegas with this male stripper I met last night.”
Brooks actually jumped up, and Tom about flipped his breakfast tray over. I had to grab it before his food went flying.
“You will do no such thing, young lady.” Tom sounded more authoritative than my daddy ever had, and his words flowed freely all on their own.
“But he’s really fine, and he says he loves me.” I busted out laughing.
Tom swatted me. “G . . . Gracie g . . . girl, my heart can’t take that.”
I kissed his head. “I’m sorry. I suppose y’all better think of something to talk about, then.”
Brooks lowered himself back onto the couch, shaking his head at me.
Both men still seemed at a loss about what to say.
I pulled out my phone and googled great conversation starters while the men stared at each other. “All right, y’all, I’m going to help you out. Fifty-seven killer conversation starters, number one—”
Tom pushed my phone down. “D . . . Darlin’, you’ve made your point.” Tom let out a trepid sigh. “H . . . How have you b . . . been, son?”
“Good one.” I nudged Tom playfully, making both men smile.
“I just made junior partner,” Brooks replied.
Tom beamed. “That’s w . . . wonderful. E . . . Equity or nonequity st . . . status?”
“Nonequity, but once I’m promoted to senior partner, I’ll receive equity status.”
“Ex . . . Excellent. I’m p . . . proud of you, son.”
Brooks bristled and cleared his throat. “I didn’t do it for you.”
I gave Brooks the evil eye, but he didn’t flinch.
Tom patted my arm, knowing I was about to get fired up. “I never ex . . . expected you to. That doesn’t ch . . . change h . . . how proud I am of you.”