Page 50 of Facial Recognition
I took his hand and pulled him close to me. “Hey, I’m having a really great time tonight.”
He peeked over my shoulder at my painting resting on the easel, which I had to say looked pretty amazing and closely resembled the copper moon our instructor had painted while teaching us.
“At least your painting turned out well.”
Using my finger, I gently turned his face back to mine. “That’s not why I’m having fun. It may have something to do with the company, but possibly more to do with the dark chocolate.” I smiled.
He returned my smile with one of his own.
“That’s better.”
“Not quite.” He drew me closer, his lips hovering merely an inch away from mine. “I did tell you I planned to have a taste of you tonight.”
Holy crow. My heart was pounding double time. “You did give me fair warning,” I whispered, inviting him to close the distance.
He tucked some hair behind my ear. “You are more than I bargained for, but I’m glad,” he said before his lips barely brushed mine. His kiss didn’t feel like fireworks, yet a burst of tiny tingles erupted down my spine.
“What did you expect from me?” I asked before his lips found mine again.
“Not this,” was all he said before his lips pressed against my own. It was as if he were soaking me in and feeling me out. His lips stayed steady, never trying to part my mouth. And despite the tingles I was feeling, I was happy Julian kept it classy since we weren’t alone.
His lips slid off mine, and he lightly kissed my cheek. “I do like you, Gracie.”
“I like you too.” And I did. He was always attentive when we were together, and he could make me laugh and even fascinate me with his knowledge about the weird things our bodies were capable of. Plus, he totally got all my General Hospital references.
My phone started buzzing loudly in my bag. At first I ignored it, as I was on a date and didn’t want to be pulled away from Julian, but the phone began ringing again.
“Why don’t you see who it is,” Julian graciously offered. “I’ll clean up while you do.” He was my kind of man.
“Thank you.” I grabbed my bag from where it sat near the easel and reached in for my phone. I found it was Miss June calling. Worry bubbled in my stomach before I could answer it. “Hello.”
“Hi, darlin’, I’m sorry to bother you.”
“It’s no bother. Is everything okay?”
“Tom’s fine,” she was quick to say. “He’s a bit restless tonight. I think he’s getting frustrated.”
“Is Brooks with him?” It was his night to help.
“No, darlin’, that’s why I’m calling. He never showed up.”
“Don’t get in a tizzy, honey. I’m riled up enough about it for the two of us. Unfortunately, I have an order that has to go out tomorrow and I’m behind. Is there any way you could come over and sit with Tom? I need to pick up some supplies at the grocery store.”
“Of course. I’m in Fort Worth now, but I’ll head straight there.”
“I don’t want to interrupt any of your plans. I can try your daddy.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m on my way.” I was so fired up about Brooks’s failure to appear that I needed to leave. I knew I wouldn’t be the best company after that news. What was wrong with him?
I tried to calm my agitation, and as soon as Julian returned from cleaning our paintbrushes, I said, “I’m so sorry, but I need to cut the evening short.”
“Is everything all right?”
I debated about what to say. Dating Julian was tricky since our lives were tangled up in odd ways. Such as the fact that I hated his sister and I was beginning to despise the man she was dating. He better have a dang good excuse for not showing up. My anger over the situation won out.
“That was Miss June calling. This was supposed to be Brooks’s night to help with Tom, and he was a no-show.”
Julian rubbed the back of his neck. “He must have forgotten. I believe he’s with Morgan at a charity event for a dog shelter.”
Brooks was definitely in the doghouse with me. I ripped off my smock. “Well, his momma needed him tonight,” I fumed.
Julian cleared his throat. “I could call him or Morgan,” he offered.
“Don’t bother. I’m going to head over there as soon as you drop me off at the spa.” I carefully took my painting off the easel.
“Gracie,” Julian’s tender tone had me stopping in my tracks.
I gave Julian my attention.
“Is there something going on between you and Brooks?”
I swallowed my heart down. “No,” I stammered. “Why would you ask that?”
“Darlin’, you’re way too emotional for there not to be some feelings toward him.”
I didn’t have time to debate with Julian, nor did I want to on this subject. “The only feelings I have for him right now are disappointment. He’s better than his actions.” Though I was beginning to wonder if he was.