Page 77 of Facial Recognition
His eyes popped open. Turmoil swirled in them.
I ran my hand over his tousled hair. “I know it’s hard, and that’s okay.”
He let out a deep sigh. “I can’t deny that my mom is happier than she’s been in a long time, and that makes me happy. Still, in my line of work, the odds aren’t good for couples who remarry, especially when infidelity was at the root of it.”
“I can’t imagine how betrayed you must have felt. I won’t even pretend to. Just know I’m here if you want to talk about it. I’m on your side.”
“I thought you wanted me to forgive my dad.”
“I do, because I know it will bring you peace and I want you to be happy.”
“Grace. Thank you.” He reached up and smoothed my cheek. “You make me happy.”
I leaned into his hand. “I’m glad. Now close your eyes because I’m about to make you ridiculously happy.”
“Mmm,” he groaned. “Are you sure you don’t want to join me on this table?”
“Believe me, I do, but first I’m going to earn that five-star review the right way.” I ran my hand over his eyes, and they closed. I took a moment to stare at his beautiful face. I loved him. I always had.
I reached for a bottle of essential oils. I probably shouldn’t have, but I chose the sandalwood oil. It was a sexy scent. As if I needed more help being turned on. However, it fit my mood, and I knew Brooks would enjoy it. I rubbed a small amount in my hand, then cupped my hands in front of Brooks’s beautiful face. “Breathe in slowly and relax.”
Between the scent and his warm breath tickling my hands, I almost broke all the rules. I decided to lighten the mood before I did something I would more than enjoy but probably feel bad about later. Maybe.
“You know, the last time you were here, I thought about smothering you with a towel.”
His eyes peeked open, and he took my hands and kissed them. “I don’t blame you. I’ve thought about that day a lot. Wondering why I didn’t recognize you.”
My hands couldn’t resist, and they slid down past his shoulders and landed on his chest, where they dug in and stayed. “Any conclusions?”
He nodded. “I think deep down, I knew it was you, but I wasn’t ready to recognize you. To face the truth.”
“And what truth is that?”
“That I was in love with you, Grace,” he said it so easily, like he had said it hundreds of times.
“What?” I faltered back toward the counter. I must have heard him wrong.
Brooks sat up, his legs dangling over the side of the table, and turned toward me.
“You said you only thought of us as friends when we were growing up.”
“Grace.” He reached out a hand to me.
I took it, and he tugged me toward him. I landed between his legs, gazing into his earnest eyes. I thought back to all our conversations and my observations. “Brooks, you told me you weren’t sure if you’ve ever been in love with anyone. And you made love to Morgan. And,” I was on roll, “she excited you. I never did.”
He pulled me closer and wrapped his legs and arms around me. “Grace, I had sex with Morgan; there is a difference. And no woman has ever excited me like you do, even back in high school. Why do you think I climbed up to your room so many times?”
I shrugged. “Because I was the only person who appreciated your taste in music.”
He shook his head slow, steady, and sexy. “I don’t think so.”
“What do you think?”
“I know it was because I couldn’t wait until the next day to see you. To hear you laugh or see your eyes light up when you came up with the perfect cheer routine or campaign poster. Even now, I’m distracted at the office because I’m counting down the hours until I get to see you. No woman has ever had that effect on me. No woman has affected me like you. I meant what I said when I told you that you made everything better. I was just too young to understand what that meant.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing us face-to-face. Tears trickled down my cheeks.
Brooks whispered against my lips, “Please forgive me for being so blind and scared.”
I brushed his lips. “I forgive you.”
“I love you, Grace.”
My heart sang, and my soul felt whole. “I love you.”
“That’s good news.” He let down my hair from its messy bun, and it cascaded all around us. “I think we should dispense with the facial and break the rules.”
“How very unlike you, counselor. What about the review?”
“I have no doubt we will have a five-star experience.”
A shiver of delight went through me. “I do aim to please my clients.”