Page 69 of Lahaina Noon
Bridget woke suddenly inher bed at her old house. Gray daylight was filtering through the windows, and rain was rattling against the glass.What the hell?she thought.
Someone moved next to her. She turned, “Vaughn!” she cried, but it wasn’t him. It was Brian.
“Mmm, Good morning, Sunshine,” he said, kissing her gently.
She felt the scratching of his beard on her chin and remembered wishing he would shave it.
He thought it made him look older. She had told him it made him look like a beaver. He’d just laughed it off.
“Brian?” she asked quietly, afraid he would disappear. “Brian, it’s you!” she threw her arms around him. All of that with the dragons. It was just a dream! She looked at her collarbone, but there was nothing there. She was never drinking margaritas with Jorrie again! That was the road to danger.
“Well, of course, it’s me, silly goose. Who else would it be?”
An image of a gorgeous black-haired man leaning against her office door smiling from behind glasses that did nothing to hide his beautiful blue eyes, flashed through her mind. A co-worker?
“No one,” she replied and snuggled into him, letting him wrap her in his arms.
Another image, the black-haired man leaning across a table, brushing her hand as they looked at production figures.
They lay there for a moment in contented silence, her head on Brian’s chest, her heart at peace.
“Can’t stay much longer, darling, have to get to work,” he said.
“No!” she shouted. He looked startled, so she repeated softly, “No, please, just stay here with me. Never leave me.”
He laughed and held her tightly.
An image of the same man on his knees,please don’t leave me, I love you.
She laid her head on Brian’s chest. “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered.
He stroked her hair, confused, “It’s only been since you fell asleep, my dear. Did you miss me in your dreams?”
The man again, holding her against the shower wall, sliding into her, his forehead against hers, silky black hair falling around them, his blue eyes gazing into hers, them both gasping in pleasure.
“That’s it. I just missed you in my dreams.” She tried to smile, but it faltered.
The man, no, Vaughn, flaring his wings. Vaughn throwing her in the pool. Vaughn on the airplane, holding her hand. Vaughn in his office, her sitting on his lap, laughing with Liam. Vaughn lying underher and groaning while her hands were on his chest as she rode him into oblivion. Vaughn fist-bumping Gabe, teaching him to grill a steak. Vaughn flying through the clouds, Vaughn sheltering her on the island with his wing while they slept. Vaughn smiling at her, kissing her softly and telling her he loved her. The pain and ecstasy as he branded her as his mate.
Gasping, she sat up, “Vaughn!” She put her hand to her heart and found it pounding. She looked at her collarbone again, drawn by the pain there. This time, she saw the image of a small black dragon. She touched it, and her heart settled. Vaughn.
Brian slowly sat up next to her; she faced him with shame on her face.
“Brian, I,” she faltered, not knowing what to say.
He smiled sadly. “It’s okay, Bridget. I was hoping we would have a little longer together, but I can see now it’s time to go.”
She stared at Brian, tears forming in her eyes. She shook her head,No!
He wrapped her in his arms, holding her. “Bridget, Bridget,” he soothed her as she cried, “I know you loved me while I was here. I never doubted that. But we were never meant to be forever. You were destined for greater things. He loves you more than I ever could, even though I loved you so, so much. I know you love him now, and that’s okay, Bridget. You gave me Gabriel, and that was the best thing ever. He’s grown into such a fine young man.”
She sniffed, “He looks so much like you. More every day.”
Brian smiled and stroked her back. “He’s a handsome little devil, but he’s brave, like his mother.” He kissed her tenderly, then pulled away and stood.
“No!” she begged.
“She’s the bravest woman I know, and I know she’s brave enough and smart enough to understand this can’t last. She knows this was not her fault. She’s brave enough to let me go and move on with her life. With her fate, with her destiny. Bridget, it’s time. Tell Jack and Gabe I love them and I’m proud of them.”