Page 106 of Sweet Deception
"Before I get into everything, tell me again, you want to give us a go? No contract, just us dating? I'd be breaking the contract, so you will receive the full payment."
"Yes, I want that, but not the money. I don't need it now."
"Angel, it's in the contract. I want to do this right. You'll be getting the money either way, but I want everything moving forward to be the real us as a couple."
"I honestly don't need the money anymore. My parents' situation has changed." I tilt my head. "You've never asked me why I became a sugar baby."
"You know I had you looked into. I know you did it to keep your parents from losing their home." He brings the sauce to the island to assemble the pizzas. "It made you more attractive to me. To do something so selfless told me how much you love your parents and what a good person you are." He looks me in the eye. "I could never judge you for that. It would be hypocritical of me if I did. More than you know."
"I know you don't. I just really needed you to know what my motivations were, so that you didn't think I was saying I wanted more with you because of your wealth. It's important to me that you believe that. And you need to explain that last part." I frown.
Luca leans in to give me a gentle kiss. "I'll explain in a minute. First, you need to know that if I really thought you were only after my money, I wouldn't have suggested breaking the contract. Also, I understand you never would've become a sugar baby if you felt you had any other options." Kissing my forehead, he releases me to resume making the pizzas.
"I don't regret meeting you and if we really had met at the club without," I wave my hand between us, "all this, and you asked me out. I would have said yes."
Luca gives me a heated look. "Even if you said no, I would've pursued you."
I shake my head and playfully roll my eyes. "Good. Then you agree, no more payments?"
Luca sighs. "Fine, but only because I know the hospital charity paid your parents' medical bills. And I'll be paying for everything in this relationship, anyway."
"How do you know that? Did you pull another background check?" Hurt by why he thought he needed it again, I look down, trying to hold in my emotions.
"First confession of the night … I'm on the hospital board."
I jerk my gaze to his and widen my eyes.
He nods. "Yes, I called the members of the charity and suggested looking into your parents. With their jobs, they were the perfect candidate." He shrugs. "It was a no brainer."
"Oh. Mom said that's what the guy told them." I pause, tapping the counter. "So you only suggested or …"
"Just suggested. I knew they would pick them with no urging on my part."
"Wow. I don't know what to say to that. Well, besides, thank you. You've lifted a huge burden off their shoulders."
He shrugs before placing two of the pizzas in the oven. "Don't thank me. I really didn't have to do anything more than bring it to the committee's attention."
"Alright, back to you paying for everything—"
"Angel. No more money talk. It's best you know now that it won't stop the gifts and I will always pay for whatever it is you need." Luca holds his hand up to stop any protest I'm about to give. "This is who I am. Even though I've never been in a relationship, this is who I would be with anyone in my life I care about. You can ask Gio and Rafael. I bought the brownstones on either side of me so that they'd be within reach. If I would do that for my brothers, wouldn't I do more for the woman who's captured my heart?"
Tears well in happiness from his declaration. I know Luca well enough at this point. He would never toss out words of love so carelessly. "You have captured my heart as well. You know that, right?"
"I do, baby. I'm sorry if this isn't what you want to hear, but I am glad you signed with Sweet Connections. Had you not done that, I don't know thatI would have given you a chance. I would've pursued you to get you in my bed—that's a fact, but I just don't think I would've been open to more. I've never allowed the idea of more in a long time." He comes around the island and positions himself between my legs."I would have missed out on these luscious lips of yours."
Smiling, I hang onto his wrists as he dips his head to nibble on my bottom lip. I'm ready to take it further when the timer for the pizza goes off, breaking the spell.
Luca pulls back with a growl. "Let me deliver Gio and Rafael's pizza while ours cook, and then we'll get back to this."
"They aren't eating with us tonight?" One of the things I love most about Luca is his need to take care of his loved ones. The guys have dined with us every night since we came home from the hospital and I don't think it's only because of what happened. It feels more like their normal routine.
"Not tonight. I want you all to myself." He gives me a hungry look that has nothing to do with the pizza before he heads out.
Beaming, I move to set the dining room table.
Chapter forty-five