Page 16 of Sweet Deception
"Good. Now, the payment terms are here in this folder." She taps it before sitting back and crossing her arms. I take that as my cue to review his offer.
Sliding the document out, I find what looks like a contract. It reads pretty basic, saying the client agrees to all of my terms with the option to negotiate said terms at a later date. He also chose a six-month contract.
The next section is compensation. It mentions how the client would pay my current living expenses such as rent, utilities, car payments and grocery bills.
Huh. I hadn't expected that. I assumed I'd just get a set amount each month.
Next, it states he would provide any clothing, accessories and salon appointments needed to accompany him to business dinners, meetings and/or parties.Also, the client requests the option of taking me out of town when it fits the times I have listed as being available.
I didn't think about needing a different wardrobe for events. I guess it's good he's willing to pay for these things.
When I'm down to the last section of the contract, it talks about monetary payment—and holy shit! I pull the document closer, making sure I'm reading it right. I blink a few times, expecting the number to change. When it doesn't, I lower the document and meet Ms. Wesley's blank stare.
"Am I reading this right? This client is not only going to pay all of my expenses, but in addition, he's also going to pay me twenty-five hundred a week?" I can't keep the astonishment out of my voice as my mind races with the calculations. That's ten grand a month.
Ten. Grand.
That's sixty grand I'll make from this contract alone. I can pay my parents' mortgage for years with that kind of money—long enough to give them a head start on paying down the medical bills. I won't have to take a second contract.
"You're reading it correctly. It's best I tell you now. It's the highest I've seen a client pay." She points at the document in my hand. "When it's time to move on from this client, do not expect this kind of payment in the future." She looks like she doesn't approve, but I'm not sure if she's directing her irritation at me or the money the client offered.
All I can do is nod, not sure what to say. This is such good news, but now I worry more about the potential client. Why would he pay so much higher than anyone else? I swallow, trying to move the rock that’s suddenly lodged in my throat.
"Good, if you're in agreement, be at the club tonight at eight sharp. Give the bartender your name and he'll escort you to the client. Understand?"
"Yes, ma'am." I glance at the document, but her next words bring my eyes back to her.
"Your dress from the photo shoot is at the front desk. You can wear it tonight. If you both sign the contract, the client will supply your clothes from that point on."
"Do we sign the contract tonight? After?" Sweat gathers on my forehead as the reality of the situation kicks in.
"No. You can stay at the club as long as you want this evening to get to know each other, but then you'll go home. If the client still wants you for his sugar baby, he'll come in and sign the contract in the morning. I'll call you in to sign the contract after. From that point on, all communication going forward will be between the two of you."
"Oh, okay. That sounds reasonable."
"If you don't have any more questions, I'll see you out." She gets up, not waiting for an answer.
I follow her in a daze. The receptionist hands me the dress bag and when I turn to say goodbye to Ms. Wesley, she's already gone. I distractedly say goodbye to Betty before leaving.
This time when I walk out, there are no dark eyes waiting for me.
Get a grip, Kylie. You'll never see him again.
Talia's home for once and helps me get ready for my date. She curls my hair and gives me tips on how to do my makeup since I don't normally wear any. I've thrown up twice already and I have nothing left in my stomach. She tries to get me to eat something, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it down.
"Relax, Kylie. It's scary the first time, but trust me, it'll get easier after getting to know the client. Remember, you don't have to sign the contract if you don't like the guy. Nothing is forced on you." Talia lays her hand on my shoulder to comfort me, but it doesn't work.
"I know, I know. I can't help but be nervous when I don't know who this guy is. I don't even know what he looks like, Talia!" I wring my hands together on the verge of hyperventilating.
She places her hand on mine to still them and looks me in the eye. "Let's take a deep breath together, ok?" She raises her eyebrows, waiting for my agreement. We take slow, deep breaths in and out. Smiling, she pats my hand. "There, that's better. Focus on the money you'll make to help your parents."
"Right. Yes. This is a good thing," I say, a bit too fast to come off as calm. Needing to move, I walk to the mirror for one last glimpse of myself. "Thanks for your help with my hair and makeup. You did a great job."
My curled hair looks tousled and dark shadow and liner coats my eyes. It's not something I would choose for myself, but I can admit it brings out the green in my eyes. Normally, I'd be thrilled with how I look—I just wish it was for a better reason.
Talia puts a black wrap around my shoulders as I gather my small purse and dig out my keys.
"Remember to smile and be yourself. Whatever you do, don't insult him. If he ends up being a jerk, just continue to smile and get through the night. These guys are paying for a companion, but they're also aware you have a choice to accept them or not."