Page 22 of Sweet Deception
"Yes, ma'am. And you're Kylie. Luca's Little Bird."
"Bird?" I tilt my head as I search his profile.
"I guess I should say angel. That's what Luca calls you. Rafael's the one who calls you Little Bird, and it stuck." He pauses, frowning. "I should give you a nickname, since those two have their own." He rubs his jaw as he thinks about it.
"Oh, it's not necessary. You can call me Kylie." I have a niggling feeling I should be worried about what he might choose to call me.
"No, no. I won't be left out. I insist. Let's see … what should I call you?" He glances at me in the mirror, grinning, before looking back at the road with a frown as he shakes his head. I hear him mutter, "No, Luca would kill me." That has me curious, but before I could ask, he snaps his fingers and yells, "I got it! Candy!"
I cringe. "Uh, why?"
"You know, cause you're a sugar baby." He obviously thinks it's a brilliant idea.
"No. Absolutely not." I put my hand out as if it would stop him from calling me that.
"Hey, no disrespect. I admire what you're doing."
"What?" I shake my head. "That's … I … why?" I give up trying to form a proper question to that ludicrous statement.
"Seriously, it's not an insult. I think it's cool you don't let society restrict you. You have a need and you found a way to reach it on your terms." He shrugs. "It's admirable."
"Look, I'm not dissing the other girls. I understand why some would sign up for this service, but not all do for the, uh, perks." I finish lamely. "For some, this may not be a choice. I mean, yes, it's a choice. Just … gah! It's hard to explain." I glare down at my hands, trying to think of a better way to make myself clear. Raising my eyes back to the mirror, I catch Gio studying me. The lack of judgment relieves me and my shoulders loosen, only now realizing how tense I've been. I give him a weak smile. "I only mean this is a choice, but it may not be one some of the girls, myself included, would take if they had a better path. Calling me Candy would be a reminder." I wrinkle my nose.
Gio turns serious. "Okay. No Candy."
"Thank you. Sorry, that sounded judgmental. I'm not trying to be. Hell, I shouldn't be telling you any of this. I've broken so many rules tonight; Ms. Wesley would be appalled." I stare out the window at the buildings passing by.
Gio chuckles. "Don't you worry about Margaret. She's a marshmallow."
Slapping a hand over my mouth, I glance at Gio in panic, but I needn't have worried because he guffaws at my reaction. I don't know why I'm surprised. The guy seems to find humor in everything.
After Gio's laughter dies down, he explains, "Once you get to know her, you'll see she isn't the bulldog she presents herself as. She likes people to think she's hard, but I've seen that woman melt into a puddle for the girls time and again."
"I don't think she likes me. I keep messing up with her." Turning to the window, I stare out without really seeing anything. "If you can't tell, I'm a bit headstrong."
Gio smirks. "You're exactly what Luca needs,"
We pull in front of the apartment complex where my unit sits on the upper left side. I glance to our window to find a light on when it dawns on me I never gave Gio my address. Would Sweet Connections give out private information before I sign a contract? Wouldn't it be a breach in trust? I frown, not liking that Ms. Wesley would do that even if Luca was a frequent client.
Gio puts the SUV into park and as I unbuckle my seatbelt, he barks out for me to sit still. Confused, I sit back and watch him round the back of the vehicle and open my door.
"You don't have to do that," I state as soon as he swings my door open. "I don't expect you to wait on me as if you work for me."
"Are you calling my gentlemanly behavior into question?" he asks, affronted. His hand goes to his chest, a fake frown plastered on his face as if I insulted him, but there's a sparkle in his eyes.
Lord help me, I giggle.
I really like this guy. As big and intimidating as he is, he's the one who's a total marshmallow on the inside.
"Never.I just don't want you to think you have to treat me like your employer."
Gio's grin broadens as he stares down at me. "Little Bit."
"What?" I frown, confused by the change in topic.
"It's my nickname for you. Little Bit. You are a tiny thing and since Rafe calls you Little Bird, I'll call you Little Bit."