Page 33 of Sweet Deception
Rafael switches his attention back to me. "I agree you need to address this, but you have to do it with a clear head if we want to keep the peace with your cousins." He pauses to look at Gio, then back to me again. "Let's go to the ring downstairs. Punch Gio until you let off enough steam and then after, we can make a game plan for your approach."
"Hell yeah!" Gio jumps up and heads to the basement.
Resigned, but also charged at the thought of letting out some of this anger, I follow with Rafael trailing me. "Fine. But give me your full report as we box and make an appointment for the Maserati. The steering wheel is acting funny."
The door swings open to reveal Tony with the corner of his mouth tipped up. It's a good thing Leo didn't answer.
"Cousin. Come in man." He pats me on the shoulder before extending his right hand, indicating for me to enter. He's friendly and calm, but there's wariness in his eyes. I may not be part of their business, but they have grown up along with me and know my reputation.
I'm thankful for Rafael's calming influence. He's the reason I'm coming here in control and Gio's relaxing against the car right now. He's sporting the start ofa black eye, but he's grinning from ear to ear. I sent Rafael to sit outside Kylie's apartment until I get the lay of the land tonight.
"Hey Gio! You wanna come in for some of mama's tiramisu while Luca talks to Rome?"
"Fuck yeah, I do." Gio jogs up the steps and walks right past me to the kitchen. I shake my head as Tony and Gio chat as if they've been best friends their whole lives. It's why I chose him to come instead of Rafael.
I swing my gaze down the hall to where Rome's standing in front of his office. "Rome."
He nods toward the interior of his office. Knowing he doesn't like to give his back to anyone, I move past him and enter before him. It's the life you have to accept with the role he's taken on.
"Would you like a drink? I believe the Balvenie is your preference." He walks to the bar and fills two tumblers without waiting for my answer. It's a reminder he knows my habits. While it pisses me off, I also trust him to an extent. Some may think it's foolish, but I choose to trust in Rome's honor. He's proven to be a better man than his father. Than both of our fathers. That doesn't mean I want to have him over for family holidays.
I give him a chin lift, accepting the glass. Rome indicates the seating area away from his desk, keeping things casual, which is good. Setting the drink on the coffee table, I unbutton my jacket before relaxing into the oversized leather chair facing the one Rome sits in. He's leaned back, one leg over the other, drinking from his glass as he observes me.
"I shouldn't have come at you hot on the phone. There's been some … recent developments that had me reacting before doing some research." Rome explains.
I slant my head, curious. "What would those developments have to do with Kylie and what research are you talking about? I've done my own research and had Rafael look into what fingers you've stuck in my business after our call. I'm not happy about you butting in. We've been good about keeping our shit separate and that's not going to change."
Rome sighs. "Like I said, a few developments have occurred." He raises his palm to stop me from interrupting. "I'm going to lay it out for you, but you need to stay calm. I can't have you turning into a hot head and thinking you can take this on yourself. What I'm about to tell you is family business, which means it stays in these four walls and I'm handling it. But I agree with Leo and Tony. It's time to let you in on what's happening."
My frown deepens, knowing I'm going to hate whatever it is he's about to tell me.
He leans forward to set the glass down on the table before relaxing back and stapling his fingers. "There's a new syndicate in town. They've been steadily trying to push their way into ours and the local gang territories. We've pushed back harshly and they are backing off. However, there's some rumbling that it's to give us a false sense of power. I've got my men working on it and found some trails all pointing to a plant in your sugar baby business."
My jaw clenches at the news.
No way. No fucking way.
I don't interrupt so I can hear all of it, but I do it seething.
"They can't get to us, so they are trying through you. Not only are you my cousin, but some of my guys, as you know, joined your service."
"If you think I'll allow you in for those reasons, you are sadly mistaken. The business is mine, and I will handle anyone trying to sabotage it." I glare at him, not willing to budge on this point.
"Relax Cousin. I'm not using this as an excuse to hone in. I just want to find out if there's an infiltrator and take care of it. That's it. It affects me and my family and you have to see I can't just do nothing." He leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees.
He isn't going to budge on this.
I get up to pace while rubbing my jaw as I absorb this new information.
"Think Luca. What would you do in my shoes? I give you my promise, I will not interfere in your company. I'm only interested in the plant. They'll lead me straight to this syndicate, which will give me enough evidence for approval toofficially end them here in Chicago. If I go in on a hunch, the backlash won't be good for either of us."
"Fuck!" I grab my drink and throw it across the room. It's only seconds before men fill the room with guns pointed.
"Out. Now." Rome barks.