Page 47 of Sweet Deception
"Why does that sound so dirty?" I scrunch my nose.
Gio stops what he's doing to turn to me. Seeing my expression, he sets the bucket down and puffs his chest out, running his hands down his chest. "You wish you had all this."
A laugh bursts out and I end up snorting. Covering my mouth, I can't help but laugh harder.
Gio chuckles as he goes back to filling the buckets. "I think I'll start you out in the middle."
Halfway through the movie, I've switched from hiding my face behind my blanket—much to Gio's amusement—to leaning forward when I can't look away. When orchestra music plays, someone always dies, so my nerves are on edge.
And I'm loving every minute of it.
When the music starts again, I scoot closer to the screen. I'm so intent on the scene playing out, trying to predict where the monster is going to grab its next victim, when Gio grabs my shoulder and yells. Startled, I jump to my feet and fling popcorn into the air while I scream bloody murder.
Growling at Gio who's laughing his ass off, I place my hand over my heart as it pounds out of my chest. I narrow my eyes at him while I contemplate giving him a matching black eye.
He's bent over on his side with his arms wrapped around his stomach, laughing so hard he can barely breath and the violence wins.
"You big jerk!" I grab one of the couch pillows and throw it at him. "You're like the annoying older brother I never wanted." I grab another pillow and throw it, this time hitting him in the face.
He's so unconcerned with my attack, he points at my face, still laughing.
I search around for more pillows when my eyes land on a statue on the credenza.
It takes me a second before I decide against it. I don't want to go to jail for murder.
Giving up, I kneel on the floor to clean the scattered popcorn. The short time it takes me, helps calm my racing heart.
"Laugh it up, buddy." I forcefully throw a piece of popcorn into my bucket. "I was two seconds away from throwing that statue at your head. You almost turned me into a murderer." I lean back, sitting on my feet to glare at him.
Gio finally calms down and rights himself before slumping down to put his feet on the coffee table. He's smiling cheekily at me as he clasps his hands on his stomach. "I had to do it. You made it way too easy."
"Har. Har. Har." I sneer at him, but it's hard to hold back my smile because of how much I'm enjoying myself. Despite what I said, Gioislike a big brother I wish I had. He's fun and carefree and I like that he can be goofy.
After picking up the last piece of popcorn, I set the bucket down on the table and resume my place on the couch. "You have to rewind the movie since you made me miss the last killing." I pout as I cover myself with the blanket. This time I only cover up to my nose as Gio rewinds to the scene and presses play.
Chapter twenty
"What the fuck?" The last thing I want to see is Kylie cuddled next to Gio as he's throwing popcorn in his mouth, watching a movie. He uses the remote in his hand to pause the tv before turning to grin at me.
I rest my hands on my hips as I glare back. Kylie's asleep with her head resting on Gio's arm. She's wrapped herself in the blanket like a burrito with only her head uncovered.
Even in sleep, she's beautiful. She has wisps of hair lying across her cheek, and her lips are plump and pouty.
She should be asleep on me. The fucker.
I'm already pissed it took longer than an hour tonight. Then I come home to this scene. At least it explains why she didn't answer my text.
My anger isn't directed at Gio, just that at this point, he's spent more time with her than I have. I made it clear to Rome not to contact me again for at least forty-eight hours. I want our Sunday uninterrupted.
Not that I regret he called me in tonight. As much as I wanted this time with Kylie, what we found out was invaluable. The sooner we can get this breach into Sweet Connections discovered, the sooner I can focus more time on her.
Gio chuckles. "Don't be pissed at me. You asked me to entertain her while you were out."
"I wasn't expecting you to bore her to sleep."